Pizza (ft. Cassata & Cheese): At the End. ⌛️

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wow i'm actually posting. surprise surprise! lol
grammarly crashed on me while i was trying to edit >:( deep apologies for any grammar mistakes that might come up!!

with that out of the way, one-shot: begin!


"You're leaving so soon...?"

You walk up behind the taller male Food Soul, your vision a bit blurry as you had only woken up just now from the sound of multiple doors opening and closing. They freeze, and their shoulders drop as they turned around to face you. The sky outside was still a solid indigo hue, a clear night with twinkling stars, only a few wisps of clouds visible.

Pizza glances back with melancholic eyes, nodding sadly as he smiled. "If I don't leave now, the kingdom of Nevras might catch up to us. No, even worse... He might catch up to us. That would mean putting you in danger too, and I don't want that."

You shook your head, latching on to his arm. "But we can take them on! I promised to protect you, you're my Food Soul and—"

"No, Master Attendant. I can't let you get hurt. Knowing how ruthless and heartless they are to use living beings for their own experimentation, who knows what they'll do to you?" Pizza's voice was full of concern, his eyes soft. You clutched your chest, shutting your eyes tightly before taking a shuddering breath. Tears pricked at your eyelashes, threatening to fall, the pain in your chest unbearable.

"But this... hurts more than anything..."

Pizza swallowed. "It pains me, too."

You stumble into his embrace, and Pizza drops his flag briefly to catch you and console you. He tried his best to keep his signature smile on his face to reassure you that his departure was not an eternal farewell. But as hard as he tried, the corners of his lips shuddered, quivered, trembled before tears of his own streamed down his face, and he buried his head in your shoulders to stifle his sobs.

"A-All I wanted to do... was t-to laugh with..."

You ran your fingers through his silky blonde locks, tracing the indentations of his braid that wrapped around his head, hushing him to calm him down. You felt your own chest heaving from your outburst of sadness, seeing your beloved that was always so cheerful, optimistic and happy, crumbling in your arms.

"I know. I know, Pizza. Me too."

He tried his hardest to burn every essence of you that he felt into his head, so that he'd never forget the person that loved him so dearly, the person that brought him so much happiness and many beautiful memories. The Master Attendant that sheltered him and comforted him through the nights where his own mind haunted him, the one who so selflessly stood in between him and his demons in order to keep him safe. Your scent, your touch, the feeling of you, your voice, the image of you.

"Haah... This is the precise reason why I wanted to leave earlier... So I wouldn't have to go through the heartbreak of making you cry..." Pizza breathed, and you choked out a small laugh.

"I wouldn't have forgiven you if you left without even a goodbye... I would've hated you so much..."

Pizza lifts his head to face you, his expression pleading. "Please don't... I'm sorry..."

You smiled broadly. "I was joking. I would never, or could never bring myself to hate you." You patted his head before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "Hehe."

He gulps before turning away to hide the color that had blossomed on his cheeks. "Y-You've never done that before..." He stammered, a hand on the back of his neck. He might as well be as red as the tomato sauce that goes with his name.

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