Mooncake: Mischief. 🌙

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You yelped as you felt a sharp jab in your sides, and the water that is deflected from the spoon you were washing splashes into your eyes.

"Ah! Oh my goodness—" You buried your face into your hands as you realized the identity of the culprit.

"Heehee! I got you again~"

You whirled around to find the giggling Food Soul behind you, her mischievous golden eyes in crescents as she clutched her sides and laughed. "Mooncake, I swear..." You wiped you eyes with your sleeves, trying to suppress your irritation.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! You're just so fun to prank and your reactions are always priceless... It's just always so boring around the restaurant, can't we like... go out and kill some demented mochis? Or whatever you call them?"

You sighed. "I'm sorry, Mooncake. And it's Uke Mochi. I try to take you out on as many missions as possible, but you just don't have enough training. I don't want you to get hurt."

Mooncake's shoulders slumped as she listened to your reasoning. "But I can handle a few monsters, I'm not as weak as you think I am! Please, let me tag along the next time you head into the Catacombs!" She begged, but exhaled dejectedly as she saw the apologetic look in your eyes. You closed your eyes.

"Look, I'll think about it, but I just don't want to take any risks. You mean a lot to me, alright?" You cupped the Food Soul's cheeks and nuzzled her.

"And maybe I'll actually consider it if you'd stop giving me heart attacks—"

Mooncake's eyes lit up. "Will do! As long as you can keep me occupied with the thrill, I can guarantee there will be no more pranks, and nobody will get hurt—"

"Is that a threat—"

"What—no—" Mooncake's eyes darted around as she tried to bite back a grin, but you laughed.

"Alright, I'll make a decision by tomorrow since Mithra wants to head out then. You'll know," you smiled. Mooncake beams and fist pumps the air, excited to battle some actually formidable opponents.

"Thank you, Master Attendant!" She cheers, and you chuckled as you took off your apron to return to your room for the night. "Have a good rest—"

Mooncake's words were interrupted by a scream and Mooncake tried to stifle a laugh but couldn't when she laid eyes on you. You glared at the cackling Food Soul, lifting the bucket ever so slightly from your now soaked hair.

"I totally forgot I left that there, I'm sorry—" Mooncake chokes, bursting into laughter again afterwards.

"But you look exactly like those umbrella fallen angels with that bucket on your head! Haha!"

"Ugh, Mooncake!!"

"Ah— Please forgive me!"

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