Steak: Embers Ignite. 🔥

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"Good morning, Brownie! You're up early today."

The blue-eyed food soul turned at the sound of your voice, a smile forming on his face as he dipped his head in respect.

"Good morning, Master Attendant. I awoke with the intention to go to the Market and retrieve the ingredients we were running low on, but it seems..."

You nodded. "Ah. I can run to the market instead. Meanwhile, please help set up the tables and prepare for opening hours. Can you tell me the ingredients we're missing?"

"Yes, of course!" Brownie led you to the refrigerator. Grabbing all small slip of paper and a pen, you jotted down all the foods they were missing.

"Alright, I'll be quick!"

"Travel safely, Master Attendant." Brownie waved as the brown-haired Attendant disappeared out the door. Brownie immediately got to work, rolling his shoulders before lifting the chairs down and carefully setting the silverware and napkins on the table.

One by one, the Food Souls awoke and descended from their rooms. They all asked the same question- "Where's Master Attendant?"-- and Brownie replied with the same response every time.

Though, there was one that was particularly worried.

"Is there a Food Soul accompanying her? Did she leave with a weapon? Did she go alone? Why the hell didn't you go with her?!" Steak's questions were like a rain of bullets, all fired directly at Brownie. The poor Food Soul didn't know how to react.

"U-uh... no...? She might have a weapon but at the time... only her and I were awake. And she personally assigned tasks to me and told me to stay back. She said she'd be quick-" Brownie suddenly felt a blast of warm air on his face, and he watched with wide eyes as the nearby curtains got singed. Steak slammed his fists down on the counter. "C-Calm down! I'm sure the Master Attendant could manage herself..."

"Shut up! Do you know how dangerous it is to let her go alone like that?! You should've gone with her anyway! Anything could happen! She could be attacked by Fallen Angels on the way and there'd be nobody fighting for her!" Steak hollered, infuriated. Without another word, he grabbed his dual wield swords and stormed out of the restaurant in pursuit of his Master.

"Wait!" Brownie tossed aside his apron and started after him, but he felt a hand on his wrist tugging him back. He whirled around to find none other than Red Wine.

"There's no need. Let him go alone."

Section II:

Steak pushed into the seas of people in the village, pushing aside people and shoving others down. His actions earned him angry yells from the people, but it did not faze him. His priority was the finding you, and he will go to whatever lengths to do so.

But finally, the crowds proved too much for the Food Soul and he was sure that he wouldn't find you there anyway. He decided to take the forest route instead- the route infested with Fallen Angels.

Steak's determination could be sensed a mile away, his fire burning like a thousand infernos. But with each step he took, he felt it dwindling and dying out. Worst-case scenarios and paranoia-filled thoughts took over his head. He hollered your name over and over again-- not a smart idea, but he was desperate-- but the only responses were his own echoes.

What if the Master Attendant was attacked by Conchi?

What if there was a Queen Conch waiting for her to walk past and attack her?

What if... she's already turned?

Steak froze at that thought. N-No, she couldn't be...

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