Raindrop Cake: Shattering Droplets. ☔️

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Drip, drop.

Down came the rain, the sky finally giving way to the burden that it had been holding for so long.

Raindrop Cake stares out the window aimlessly, mindlessly as he listened to the soft platter of the raindrops against the glass.

The view was extremely nostalgic to him, and his heart wrenched as his mind fluttered back to that dreadful day. He hated rainy days. Unconsciously, a small tear escaped from his eyes and trickled down his chin.

Yet... he was always so appalled by the rain.

Why did it rain? Why did it make him feel like this?

Not only was it the memory of his now late Master that happened to occur on a rainy day, but it seemed as if the sky felt the same pain, crying alongside him. Or perhaps it was pity, so that he wouldn't cry alone.

Either way, he was captivated by the sight.

The way the raindrops slid down the window, then shattered like crystals into smaller bits. The puddles on the street rippled as its own kind joined them from the skies, then to return back to the clouds once the storm was over.

Raindrop finally lifted himself from the windowsill and grabbed his transparent umbrella. Slowly but surely, he hoisted himself onto his wheelchair from his rocking chair and rolled himself out the door into the rain.

His eyes wandered as he gazed at the raindrops that fell on his umbrella, nearly lifeless as he began to sing.

His voice was full of lament, despair, and sadness that was suppressed inside, all released into an elegy. A song that would reach into the heavens to his Master.

Raindrop was interrupted when he heard a sudden, shrill voice calling out to him in the distance.

"Raindrop! What are you doing outside in the rain? You'll get sick, come back inside!" You exclaimed worriedly. Raindrop only turned to you with an empty gaze, and you gulped.


And tears began to stream down his face in an endless torrent. He dropped his umbrella, letting it fall helplessly into a puddle.

But he smiled. You felt a pang in your chest as you stared into this eyes full of melancholy, knowing fully well what the cause of his pain was, but not at all at the same time.

Without another word, you walked up to him and took ahold of his hands. His were deathly cold compared to yours, and Raindrop Cake glanced up at you.

"I will help you stand again."

His eyes widened, tearful as he gazed at you in awe. "There's no use..."

"Yes, there is. Now, lean on me while you try to balance on your feet."

Raindrop's eyes reluctantly left your face to look at his feet, almost with a hateful gaze, as you pulled his weakened figure from the wheelchair to his feet. He almost immediately stumbles forward into you but you catch him, the both of you caught in an embrace.

He closes his eyes, taking in your scent and your warmth in the freezing temperatures, the feeling of you, every bit of you, and that's when he finally realized— that his Master never left.

Magically, the numbness in his legs had been replaced with a new feeling, and he finally felt a strength in them. Raindrop pushes himself up from your body, and your expression mimicked his. Your eyes were filled with shock as they gazed at his legs in wonder, almost in disbelief.

"Y-you can stand...?" You began, your voice growing in excitement.


You swallowed. "I'm going to let go now, let's see if you can stand on your own—"

"No! Don't let go! Master—"

His hands desperately found yours, grabbing onto them for support. Raindrop clung onto you, almost completely on his feet, but still not wanting to let go of you. You chuckled.

"No, not that kind of letting go. I will never, ever let go of you. But I am merely to help you stand, not stand for you. You can do this, Raindrop. We're almost there." You smiled lovingly at the maroon-haired food soul, and Raindrop swallowed. "Trust me, I'll catch you if you fall."

Raindrop nodded hesitantly, as he finally let go of your hands. His form wavered awkwardly, but soon found his balance. He sighed, a small sheepish smile appearing in his lips for just a second as he avoided eye contact with you. You were practically jumping in joy as you saw Raindrop on his two feet, standing right in front of you.

You never thought you would ever live to see that day.

"Thank you, Master Attendant..."

"For becoming my legs, staying with me and supporting me... Someone as worthless as me doesn't deserve you... I still don't understand why you haven't abandoned me yet..." Raindrop began to rant, and you softly connected your lips to his as you cut him off. You parted after a moment or two, his eyes fluttering open as a soft pink blossomed over his cheeks.

"That's why."

For the first time in forever, Raindrop Cake smiled, genuinely with his entire heart, as he embraced his Master Attendant. The clouds had finally parted as rays of sunlight peeked shyly from behind, onto the glistening grass dripping with rain. A faint rainbow formed overhead, and the both of you smiled to see that the storm was finally over.

Raindrop had finally reunited with his Master.

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