Episode 8

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Yasmin helped Alec and Yasmin set to the pentagram. Ajax stood on the rooftop above looking down. He's posture ready to act if anything went wrong, one of Alec's bow at his side. Yasmin's was leant against the wall her eyes on Valentine's every move.

"Don't worry Yasmin and Ajax are here if anything goes wrong" Magnus reassured Alec, patting Yasmin on the shoulder. She smiled up at her father like figure.

Magnus began to summon Azazel. A loud clap of thunder and the black haired, pale skinned man appeared in the pentagram. Yasmin heard Ajax knock an arrow to the bow from his place in the shadows above. Yasmin pushed herself off the wall silently, watching for any sign she needed to intervene.

"Well if it isn't Magnus Bane, brave move" Azazel greeted.
"Return Isabelle Lightwood and we will hand over Valentine to give you the moral cup."
"Valentine Morgenstern. It is a tempting offer but I don't have your friend" Yasmin heard Ajax's intake of breath from above.

"He's lying" Alec's angry voice,
"I'm not so sure" Jace replied.
"No time for debate the barrier is weakening" Magnus strained voice cut through the debate.
"We still need to find Isabelle we can't let Azazel get away" Alec refused to give up. Yasmin's steppes forward.

"Clary now!"
Clary shoved her hand foreword but no light appeared. Yasmin's blood went cold in horror as Azazel smiled.

"It's not working" she gasped
"What are you talking about"
"Nothing happening" Clary answered Jace desperately.

"I can see that" Alec sarcastically commented.

"You thought you could contain me" Azazel's eyes turned black as he broke the barrier. Sending the shadowhunters flying, a high pitches noise filled the air. The shadowhunters and Magnus screamed in pain. And yet although Yasmin could clearly hear the sound she was not effected.

"Jace!" Came Clary's yell,
"Magnus stop him" Alec screamed.

"Stupid warlock" Azazel laughed as he caresses Magnus' face. Before he moves onto Valentine. "Now a present for you my dear Valentine" he pressed his thumbs to Valentine's eyes causing the man to scream louder.

An arrow embedded itself into Azazel's shoulder. Ajax was a brilliant fighter, but not so a great shot with a bow as Alec was.

Yasmin moved forward her blade swung at Azazel. The demon grabbed it between his hands pulling it out of her grasp. The sound intensifying but still Yasmin's felt no pain, just an annoying ache. Alec's bow clattered at her feet signalling Ajax has collapsed to his knees holding his head.

"Interesting." Azazel smirked at her, Yasmin swipes at him with her claws.
"Jace!" Clary's yell sounding from her feet made Yasmin jump, her concentration slipping for a fraction of a second.

A fraction of a second to long.

Azazel grabbed her arm, an invisible force pinned Yasmin in place. "Yasmin!" Alec's voice screamed, worry clouding all other emotion.

Jace stood up his eyes glowed gold his rune activating on it's own. Yasmin saw her twin turn to her, Azazel grip on her arm tightened, he had to have noticed Jace.
She swung out of his grip her claws ripping through his chest, black blood sprayed her face. Azazel looked at Jace just as he swung his sword. The greater demon evaporated into a swarm of hornets.

Only silver and dust remained. "How did you do that?" Alec asked his question was to Jace but Yasmin had the feeling that it was also directed at her.

Ajax landed on the floor, rolling to lessen the impact. "I have no idea" Jace shook his head and Yasmin just shrugged, "It doesn't matter he got away"

"Are you ok?" Yasmin asked pulling a stunned looking Magnus to his feet. Alec hovered just behind her.
" I think so" the Warlock replied.

Alec and Jace rushed to pull Valentine to his feet. "Help me. Help me" Valentine gasped frantically. Yasmin threw him a confused look. She had never heard him sound so frantic and afraid. She watched Jace take Valentine away and Alec walk with Magnus out of the institute.


Yasmin stood next to Jace staring at the map of New York. She had ignored Imogen's earlier comment of how they would be dealt with once the greater demon was stopped. She knew that she and Jace and she assumed Alec were too good a fighter to bench, as Jace had so cockily put it.

"Maybe we can help" Izzy's voice sounded. Clary hugged her best friend but all sound had been sucked out of Yasmin's ears. The scent that filled her nose was wholly familiar. The smell of dirt after heavy rain.

She didn't hear anything of Izzy's introductions to the boy she knew stood behind her. She turned away not watching the introductions or conversations that Alec and Jace were making with him.

"Yazie?" His voice sounded, his presence was so near that she could practically feel him. She turned around to look up into his face. His bright green eyes shone as he looked at her, his hair sparkling in the light. His kind face held happiness and concern.

"Sebastian" she cried out jumping into his arms. He picked her up, spinning her round. His arms her strong and held her waist as they looked into the each other's face. He was here!

For the first time since she had woken after Valentines control she felt safe.

"How do you two know each other?" Alec asked tersely.
"Alec" hissed Izzy angrily.

Yasmin felt her face getting hot, Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yasmin was my...ummm..."
"Girlfriend" she finished for him.

For some reason all of them flinched. She looked surprised at their reaction, especially when Jace, Izzy and Clary looked at Alec who was shaking. "Alexander are you ok?" She asked. He offered a terse reply of he was fine before turning away.

Sebastian turned to the group and began explains how to defeat Azazel. "Thankyou for the information, we'll take it from here." Alec nodded at Sebastian.

"I would like to help if I can" Sebastian looked at Yasmin who threw a glance at a conflicted looking Jace.
"You don't have clearance to go on a mission"
"Neither do I Alexander and yet you still let me go on them" Yasmin replied.

Izzy came to Sebastian aid as did Jace, but just as Sebastian started to say how to track the demon. Alec again shit him down saying that they had Magnus for those kind of things.

Alec walked away quickly almost knocking Ajax over as Izzy ran after him. "What was that about?" He asked looking between Clary and Yasmin.

"Something to do with me I think" Sebastian answered. Ajax looked up and realisation crossed his face as he looked at Yasmin and Sebastian's hand where entwined.


"Oh" Ajax repeated, he chuckled looking slightly delirious.

"What up?" Yasmin asked walking with him towards the rooftop.
"It's Magnus"
"Is he still acting weird?"
"Well yes but this is different. He's awkward and withdrawn"
"Isn't that what he was doing before?"
"No. Before he seemed nervous and shy but wanted to spent time with me. Now since the greater demon he's angry and almost disgusted by me" Ajax voice shook ever-so slightly that if Yasmin didn't have enhanced hearing she wouldn't have noticed.

A/N As promised here it is. SEBASTIAN is here!!! I'm so excited to reveal his role in this. His presence is going to throw a major spanner in the works for Yasmin.

What did you guys think of Alec's reaction? Who do you think Yasmin is going to choose to believe?

Thankyou for all your support and lovely comments!


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