Episode 14

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Alec greeted Alaine, he watched Yasmin smile hugging the black-haired girl tightly. He assumed that they knew each other well judging from the hug. Alec watched the blonde carefully; she didn't seem flustered by their almost kiss at all. Alec's stomach did a flip when he realised, she hadn't pushed him away.

"What are you doing here?" Yasmin asked, Izzy looked shock as those where the first words she had heard Yasmin speak in over a day.

"I would have given you the heads up, but I didn't want to spook my dear cousin." Alec looked at Sebastien who looked half stunned, half worried, "Who disappears for half a year only to show up here. With the girl who he was dating, who now turns out to be a hybrid" Yasmin shifted at Alaine's words. Sebastien placed a hand on her arm comfortingly. It was a simple enough gesture, but Alec burned with rage not helped by Alaine's words that Yasmin and Sebastian had previously dated.

Suddenly Alaine broke out in a smile, "Come here you gorgeous Englishman" she hugged Sebastien who breathed a sigh of relief, "You to Yaz". Alec chuckled as a shocked Yasmin was pulled into the group hug.

"It's good to see you" Sebastien sighed; Alec's phone dinged telling him they were getting ready for the transfer.

"Excuse me" he excused himself politely. His hand brushed down Yasmin's spine as he left, his mind still in turmoil about their recent almost activity.


"Magnus" Ajax asked carefully entering the door, he glanced back at Yasmin who hadn't stepped in yet. She shook her head, "This is something you have to do yourself. It has to be you" she whispered.

"We are transporting Valentine to Idris" he finished as the door closed quietly behind him. Part of him knew that Yasmin was fully aware of his feelings towards Magnus, she knew his far too well. Hell, she knew Magnus too well and probably knew how the warlock felt about him and every other guest he had ever entertained.

"Even more of a reason to have a drink. We can toast to Valentine's highly anticipated departure" Magnus said jovially.

"Magnus..." Ajax took a deep breath, good or bad he couldn't keep this bottled up,

"I love you. And I know somethings wrong"

Magnus froze the glass slipping from his hand, shattering on the ground. "Say it again" he whispered hoarsely.

"I love you, Magnus Bane"

Magnus reached to caress Ajax's face; his tears reflected the candlelight. "I never thought you'd say those words to me Ajax." Ajax stomach was dancing in coils inside. Magnus was looking at him with the same adorations as he felt for the Warlock.

"After the attack on the institute when I held you in my arms. I thought you were dead. I thought that you'd left me" Ajax guided Magnus into a seat, he crouched Infront of the Warlock. "When I saw your body, for a second I saw my mother..." his shoulders shook, "I told you I loved you. And then you woke up" a sad smile crossed the Warlock's feature.

"When I was tortured in Valentine's body. The agony rune made me relive my worst memory. And now I can't get it out of my head. Every time I close my eyes" Magnus looked more vulnerable than Ajax had ever seen him. He now knew why Yasmin had told him he had to do this alone. She was the one person who knew this story and he now realised that she knew how both of them felt about each other.

"Remember how I told you I found my mother dead by her own hand. My stepfather found me shortly after. He screamed at me. He called me an abomination"

"What" Ajax gasped in horror. He himself was an abomination of two species but Magnus most certainly wasn't.

"He was right. He blamed me for her suicide. He said she gated herself for giving birth to a monster. So, I lashed out. With all the magic I had." Magnus' voice now held anger. Tears dripped down his face, "I burned him Ajax. Right where he stood. I murdered my step-father"

"You were just a boy" Ajax consoled, "You weren't in control of your powers"

"Yes. Actually, I was. I never wanted you to see this terrible ugly side of me" Magnus didn't meet Ajax's eyes, "My past."

Ajax curled his hand around the back of Magnus' neck forcing him to look him in the eyes. "There is nothing ugly about you" He told Magnus firmly, "Trust me I have seen ugly. And that is not you". He pulled Magnus into a tight hug.


Yasmin jerked awake, her heart pounding, the dream had been so vivid. The image of Sebastien stabbing a bloodied and bruised Sebastian out in a dark park. She had felt it in her heart, physical pain that even now she was awake still throbbed painfully.

"You alright?" Jace asked his twin as he entered the room. Yasmin shook her head. Her action seemed to break Jace's resolve as he collapsed onto her bed pulling her in tightly. He rocked back and forth as she gasped for breath. "Shhh. Its OK Yaz. It was only a dream. Nothing is going to hurt you. Not while im alive" he whispered stroking the back of her head,

Yasmin's breathing finally returned to normal, her eyes remained dry though. She had no tears to shed, fear blocked them off. "This isn't just about the dream is it?" Jace asked, again Yasmin shook her head. "After everything Valentine's done to you, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner"

Jace nodded to Alec who peered round the door, his face morphed from one of concentration to concern as he took in Yasmin still curled in Jace's arms. "Yaz. If you don't want to be present for the transfer, no one's going to make you. We all know what you've been through and even then, there's a lot you've been through that we don't know about"

"No" Yasmin shook her head, "I want to be there"

She wasn't about to let Valentine get to her now. Together the twins exited the bedroom and followed Alec to the cell. Jace released her on entering only for Alec to put an arm round her shoulders and pull her securely into his side.

Jace kept a firm hold on Valentine as they walked through the corridors. Yasmin spotted Magnus and Ajax standing in front. She smiled at them, knowing what was between them. Both almost glowed with happiness despite the current situation. "Valentine Morgenstern by order of the Clave you are herby remanded to the guard in Idris." He spoke from beside Yasmin, while she just stared at Valentine coldly.

Magnus flicked his hands creating a portal. "I may be in a cell but at least I'll be in Alicante. Where the air doesn't reek of downworlders.... Or hybrids" he threw a cruel look at Yasmin. She felt Alec tighten his grip on her.

"Get him out of here" Alec ordered. Jace and Izzy walked through the portal followed by Valentine

A/N ahhh can we just talk about the scenes between Magnus and Ajax and Jace and Yasmin. I loved writing this chapter because we get to see a softer side to all these characters. No matter how much we may want to be strong all the time it's just not possible. Everyone has different layers to their personality.

Thank you all so much for your support on this book, we reached 97k!!


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