The Grieving Doll

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

The days past peacefully since the day Jing joined Ayame and Actaeon. So far there hadn't been any weird sightings or anyone acting unlike themselves. Now with two people and a cat on the look out, it was easier to cover more ground. Though the thought that the enemy had found a way to make the side effect less noticeable worried them to no end.

Jing had decided to take Ayame's advice and confessed to Kijin. She'd realized she could have lost him that day at the New Japan Hotel and like people said there was not time like the present. Now the two were dating and Ayame couldn't be happier for her friend. Now, the two were just relaxing in Ayame's house.

"Hey, Ayame?" Jing asked. "Did you hear about this little girl named Mika Kayama? She apparently won a prize in this French doll-making contest. She probably learned from her mother who's a well-known doll maker." Jing told her.

"Kayama? As in Yoshiko Kayama and her daughter Mika Kayama? I actually know both of them. Her family and mine are friends due to my mother and Mika's mom. If I remember correctly, Mika is about ten or twelve. Somewhere in that range. My friend Usagi has a little brother about the same age and I think they're in the same class. Yoshiko actually made me a doll for my tenth birthday. I still have it here somewhere." Ayame said as she looked for the doll.

Finally finding her up on a shelf, Ayame brought out the doll for Jing to see. The doll was a 22-inch girl doll with blond hair wig and brown eyes. What made her special for doll fanatics were things like the heart shape of the protruding upper lip, molded upper eyelid and distinctive eye and eyebrow painting. The specially created body had a pencil mold mark on a bisque foot as well. Her clothing was a Swiss festival dress complete with the underwear, silk stockings, and French leather shoes. Ayame had never played with her much because she was always afraid of breaking her.

"She's cute." Jing said as held the doll.

"I never really played with her since I was afraid of breaking her. It had been nearly two years since we'd moved to Japan and I got her. Mika was very small back then. It's been awhile since I've visited the Kayama's. Since Mika won that competition, I think I'll go over later to congratulate her." Ayame said as she took back the doll.

"You'll have to save that for later, Ayame. You two need to go now or you'll be late." Actaeon warned as he lazily pointed his tail to the clock.

Seeing he was right, the two rushed off to their own schools.


It was odd at times, really. When someone took the time to think about it. Usagi lived closer to school than Ayame and even when she was nearly late, Usagi still managed to be later than Ayame. It was funny at times to see, though Ayame was glad she didn't have stand in the hallway. Now that classes were over Usagi, Naru, and Ayame were walking home.

Naru decided to tease Usagi again. It was moments like this that Ayame felt she was normal like everyone else.

"You never get tired of being tardy, do you?" Naru asked.

Usagi, clearly not in the mood told Naru to, "Leave me alone." in a gruff voice.

As they walked two little girls hesitantly walked up to the three of them and asked Usagi a question. "Are you Shingo's big sister?" one asked.

"Uh... Yes, I am..." Usagi answered, confused with why they were asking.

"Maybe you can tell us why Shingo's so mean!" The girl said sadly.

"What did he do this time?" Usagi asked exasperated.

"Well, today at school, our friend Mika was talking to Shingo. He congratulated her on winning the doll-making contest and Mika tried to give him the doll that won. Then the other boys started making jokes about them being lovebirds and when the wedding was. Then Shingo shoved the doll back into Mika's hands. Saying to take it back and he didn't want it. Mika wasn't ready for it and the doll fell. Then it broke. Mika was so sad." The other girl explained.

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