Mako, the Ice Skating Queen

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

After their weekend up in the mountains, the girls all returned home. Even though it wasn't a cold as the mountains, winter was still on the way. When Nanami got back, her first order of business was begging Naru to figure out a way to make their uniforms warmer during the winter.

The enemy didn't seem to have made any plans that stood out going on and they were all allowed to relax. Today, Ayame was wearing a grey sweater under a long white coat and a tannish scarf over that. She wore thick dark shorts with matching gloves, along with black tights and boots with fur lining the top of them.

That day, Ayame and Jadeite were going to the Tsukino residence. Mostly everyone else was busy and Ayame thought the two blonde knuckleheads would be a good distraction. Upon entering, Ayame was let in by Usagi's mother and told both girls were in the living room. Taking off her coat and gloves she entered to find the girls in front of the tv watching an ice skating program.

On tv, the two skaters skated their routine with smiles. The two were Janelyn and Misha, the Olympic gold medal skaters. Janelyn was a lovely young woman with pink and platinum blonde hair. She had light blue eyes and her skating outfit was a slightly deeper shade of blue and cream. Misha, himself also had platinum flowing blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a plain white shirt and black pants.

Sitting down beside them with Jadeite settling in her lap, she listened to them coo and aww about the two skaters.

"Oh, wow!" Usagi muttered.

"Every move is so smooth. No wonder Janelyn and Misha are Olympic Gold Metalists!" Minako praised them.

Usagi watched as they synchronized with a jump with a happy laugh.

"Flawless!" Minako complemented them.

So inspired by them, Usagi got up and tried to twirl around only to fall with a grunt on Luna and Artemis.

"Usagi!" Luna yelled.

Usagi quickly got off of them with an awkward laugh.

"Well, maybe her interest in figure-skating is a sign that she's finally serious about becoming more princess-like." Artemis pointed out.

Ayame frowned at him. What was it and his near obsession with Usagi becoming more like her past life? Doesn't he know how painful it is to remember everything? His home was destroyed too! Remembering the past was a burden that haunted her! She was afraid of the man she loved because of those memories! Princesses were not needed in this era. Their kingdoms were gone. What would be the point? After all, they were just going to go back to their regular lives once the enemy was gone.

"You might be right, seeing how figure-skating was one of the most popular activities in the Moon Kingdom." Luna added.

"There was ice on the moon?" Ayame asked. Thinking about it, Endymion did mention the Moon Kingdom had a huge lake close to the palace and they had huge gardens. It makes sense they had water up there, but did the moon have seasons? What happened to the water and ice after the Moon Kingdom fell?

"Yeah, and the Princess was especially good at it." Artemis answered.

"What?! Really?!" Usagi asked excited. Her happy laughter burst right in Ayame's ears. "I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones who happens to be blessed with an over-abundance of talents." She giggled as she imagined it.

Ayame ignored her as she looked down to her furry companion. "Hey Jadeite, was figure-skating popular in the Earth Kingdom, too?" She didn't recall it being so, but she wanted to make sure.

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