Restore Naru's Smile

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

It was a strange place, Nephrite had discovered. All around him was the mist and the mist alone. It didn't seem like neither nighttime, nor was it daytime or even sunset. Nothing stirred the air. Not a sound, not a whisper of wind or animals. Yet he didn't feel threatened here. It was peaceful in a way.

Looking down at himself, he found himself wearing his uniform with his sword strapped to his side. Then out of the fog was a familiar structure. The pavilion from his past visions. The same one that use to reside in the Earth Kingdom's royal garden. Going closer, the fog began to clear as he hear a familiar tune in the air. Before he could reach the pavilion something forced him to stop. In the pavilion, he spotted someone else was there with him in this odd place.

He couldn't make out the details, but from the height and silhouette it appeared to be a young boy. He seemed familiar, thought Nephrite couldn't place where or when exactly.

"Nephrite." A voice called out. Nephrite assumed it was from the boy.

"It has been a long time, my friend. Time however is of the essence and it grows short. Please, protect the prince and princess at all cost! You must save your other comrades. The Moon Princess will soon awaken. Only when all the Rainbow Crystals are together and the princess of the moon sheds a tear of love and sorrow will the Silver Crystal appear and she herself will fully realize her destiny. Our prince will soon take center stage and put himself in danger. No longer will he merely give aid. You must protect him! Please protect him!" The boy shouted.

The fog began to clear as Nephrite got a closer look and seeing the priest robes, began to realize who he was talking to.

"He-!" Nephrite started before he woke up in his cot. He caught his breath as he observed his surrounding. That dream was real. His prince was in danger.

"Ugh! Just was is that reckless prince going to do now?!" Nephrite groaned. Looking at the sidetable, Nephrite toyed with the idea of contacting Ayame or Acteaon with his communicator. In the end, he decided against it. He didn't want to disturb Ayame so late and Actaeon was coming over later in the morning so Nephrite could tell him then.

He didn't need the priest to remind him of his mission. Nephrite knew perfectly well what he needed to do and this time. He refused to let the past repeat itself.


Nephrite wasn't the only one up late in the night. Down in the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl was having a meeting with Zoisite.

"As of now, we have obtained one of the Rainbow Crystals. So Zoisite, what is your next move?" Queen Beryl asked.

"Well, the Dark Crystal has just detected another of the Rainbow Crystals. Zoi!" Zoisite as he threw the crystal into the air and once again the image of the target appeared. "The next Rainbow Crystal is inside this man."

In the image, a middle aged man appeared with a lighter shade of brown hair than Joe, the previous victim, and wore less casual clothing. Instead, wore robes of a pastor. Along with a mustache.

"Good. Now retrieve it." Queen Beryl said.


The next day was another boring day of class work for Ayame and Usagi. Usagi was more distracted than usual. Looking at her friend, Ayame noticed where she was looking. Yet again, for over the past week, Naru had failed to come to school. Ayame sighed as she looked back at the board. Actaeon had told her the vision he had given Naru was of Nephrite's death and knew that her friend was mourning him. She hated her friend had to go through this pain. It only made Ayame want to destroy the Dark Kingdom all the more.

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