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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

In the depths of the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl was alone in a dark chamber. The chamber was mostly empty except for a stone platform that hanged over a chiasm and just ahead was her master. The true ruler of the Dark Kingdom. Sealed away long ago by the Moon Kingdom. Hanging from the ceiling looked like a grotesque, misshapen skull of some huge monster. Empty eye sockets with a giant jewel implanted in its head. Hanging from it maw looked in what one could describe appears to be as a giant cocoon only sideways. The great ruler inside along with a type of liquid.

Kneeling on the platform, Queen Beryl spoke to her master. "Awaken, Great Ruler... To you, I offer vital energy. Hear my plea and awaken once more. Great Ruler of ours, now is the time! Arise! Oh Great One!" A ball of energy was in Beryl's hands as she offered it and the energy hitting the jewel. The dark room lighting up as the cocoon began to move and a groaning noise was heard.

Queen Beryl gasped, pleased the energy was working.

"So, it seems as if the energy from the humans has stirred me from my long sleep." The one known as Queen Metalia observed.

"Yes, Great Ruler! What an auspicious moment. How we have waited for this to happen!" Queen Beryl said ecstatic yet respectful as she bowed lower. .

"But it is not enough. I can feel myself being drawn back into a deep sleep..." Queen Metalia warned.

"Yes..." Queen Beryl answered.

"You must locate the Legendary Silver Crystal, at once! Without that Silver Crystal, it will be impossible for me to make my resurrection complete!" Queen Metalia reminded her servant.

"We're searching for it, but it has not yet been found!" Queen Beryl explained.

"When the Seven Great Monsters are revived together with the Rainbow Crystals, only then will the Legendary Silver Crystal shine brightly enough to be found!" Queen Metalia explained.

"Ahh! Oh course!" Queen Beryl brightened and bowed in understanding.


Back in Japan, Actaeon was making his way to the apartment building after he saw Ayame leave for school. Three days ago when Ayame had returned home, to say her parents had been worried was an understatement. When they asked what happened, she told them she had been kidnapped and saved by the Sailor Guardians and they bought the story. Blaming Sailor Guardians and mostly just relieved to have Ayame back safe and sound. They cleaned up the glass and had to place cardboard over it until they could replace them.

Later all the Sailor Guardians met up at the Hikawa shrine to talk about everything. He explained to them since Nephrite was dead, he had to make it believable in case the enemy was still watching Naru. He revealed the vision he made Naru see was his death. Usagi and some of the others had been upset by the news, but relented when they understood it was for her safety.

Until the Dark Kingdom was defeated, Nephrite had to stay dead. People didn't go looking for the dead. He promised them he would reveal the truth afterwards when it was safe. Ayame was surprised Usagi, Rei, and Ami were the other Guardians, but in a way, it made sense. It explained why Usagi started getting to know them and hung out with them without asking her and Naru to join them. It was Guardian business. Jing and Nanami were happy to get to know them and now with all the secrets out of the way, they could get to know each other.

And Rei asked Nanami for special drawings from the Sailor V movie, but she didn't mind.

Since that night, Naru had refused to go to school. Meanwhile, Jing and Nanami had gotten Nephrite to the apartment Actaeon had taken the time to somewhat prepare. It was a room on the ground floor and it wasn't much, but it was better than being out in the open. It had a gas stove, a cot he had managed to find someone throwing out. Blankets from a second hand thrift store he happened to drag away. He even found a cooler to keep bottled water that the girls bought. Since the building was abandoned, there wasn't any power for a fridge.

Sailor Gaea: The Dark KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now