End of an Evil

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

After Jing and Nanami got Ayame home, they reported what happened to Actaeon. He was surprised by the sudden turn of events, but assured the two girls that Nephrite wouldn't try anything that night.

They reluctantly left and Actaeon watched over Ayame. Luckily, Ayame felt refreshed in the morning. When Actaeon asked her about the move she used, she had told him she couldn't quite remember it and it was if something else possessed her and helped her do it. When she went to school Usagi and Ami acted weird around her for some reason. Naru was also reluctant to talk to her, but that was understandable. Ayame revealed who she really was and her feelings for the same man Naru loved. Throughout the day, Usagi tried to cheer Naru up and convince the both of them to forget Masato.

Now, classes were over and the three of them were in a playground. Naru was depressed at the bottom of a slide while Ayame and Usagi stood on opposite side of the slide. Ayame holding her arms crossed as she leaned against it.

"I hate to see you so sad like this, Naru. I think it would be best if you just forget about him." Usagi encouraged again.

"Usagi, don't start this again." Ayame groaned. 'Why can't she take a hint?'

"I can't." Came Naru's muffled reply as she had her face in her arms and knees.

"Uh!" Usagi grunted.

"And neither can I." Ayame answered with a sigh.

"Even if he is a bad person...I still love him." Naru continued.

"I feel the same." Ayame admitted. Her eyes gazing at Naru with empathy.

"Hm. What a dilemma..." Usagi muttered. Wondering what to do.

"Usagi... you have someone you like, right?" Naru asked.

"Uh, me? Well.. Yeah, of course!" Usagi answered.

"So then, you should understand exactly how we're feeling now." Naru said.

"If you think you got it bad, just imagine how I feel." Ayame said as she moved in front of Naru and tapped her shoulder, causing her to look up.

"We really need to talk, Naru. About this and everything else last night. Can you come with me for a bit?" Ayame asked.

Naru reluctantly nodded and got up.

"We'll see you later, Usagi. Naru and I need to talk privately and sort somethings out." Ayame said.

"Um, sure." Usagi answered.

After telling Usagi bye, the two of them headed to a café to talk.

Naru was silent as she sat across from Ayame. Seeing she wouldn't start talking, Ayame would have to start it instead.

Even though Ayame didn't seem as depressed as Naru, Ayame was still having a difficult time dealing with her emotions on the matter. The thought of having to fight Masato, or Nephrite, whoever he was just seemed wrong to Ayame. But if nothing was done, more people would get hurt. The Dark Kingdom didn't seem like the type of people who would stop just because of one girl's emotions.

Ayame wondered, what Nephrite was up to now. Was he planning her demise? To get the identities of the comrades she did know and then present them to his boss and or bosses for a reward? The less rational side of her wondered if he was just as confused about the matter as she was.

"About last night, what you saw was true. I am Sailor Gaea. I've been ever since the night you, me, and Usagi confronted Rui. I can't give you all the details, but I can tell you that it's my duty to fight against an organization known as the Dark Kingdom. They're the ones behind all the paranormal activity in Tokyo. Apparently, Masato is also a part of it." Ayame explained.

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