The Legendary Lake Yokai

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

After the fiasco at the ice rink, things were normal as they could be for a batch of teenaged superhero girls protecting the Earth from the forces of darkness. Going to school and all sorts of activities in the meantime. Now, Ayame was on break for two days. Packing her bags, she was preparing for a trip with her family and those of the Tsukino residence.

Jadeite was whining about the whole thing. "Milady! Why can't I go with you? You left me behind the last time you went on a trip!"

"Jadeite, you know as well as I do that the place we're going to doesn't allow pets. Lately, I haven't spent much time with my parents. Especially after what happened with me remembering. This is a chance to reconnect with them and spend time with them. I'll have Usagi's back and she'll have mine in case we run into any monsters." Ayame assured him.

Jadeite sighed. Noticing the guilty look on Ayame's face from creating distance between them and her while she packed her music box among her things.

"While I am happy for you to be able to spend time with your family, it's not just your protection I'm worried about. I'm worried about a monster appearing and us not having someone to turn them back to normal." Jadeite pointed out.

"We'll only be gone for today and most of tomorrow. We'll return before you know it." Ayame told him.

"Are you sure I can't just create an illusion over myself and hide. I'll make sure no one notices." Jadeite pleaded.

"I know you can, but doing so would be draining." Ayame said as she finished packing and picked up the cat to hug him.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. For your side of things and mine."

"Ayame! Hurry up! We don't want to be late! We can't have the Tsukino's waiting on us!" Her mother called for her.

"Coming!" Ayame answered. "I'm going then. Take care while I'm gone and if you don't want to go visit Nephrite and Zoisite, you could always go and check on Luna since she'll be home alone too. Bye!" she said as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door and towards their car.

Her father, with his tan skin and dark brown hair and the light blue eyes she inherited from him, was putting their bags in the car. Her Italian father in this era was a kind man though when it came to his Japanese wife, he was a bit of a pushover. Her mother, with her light brown hair, wore the pants of this family.

Coming from out of the house, her mother locked the door behind them. Glancing over at her daughter, she asked, "Did you get everything you needed and did you lock your windows?"

"Yes, Mom." Ayame answered. Though she left one window cracked for Jadeite to get out through.

Mrs. Mascari huffed. "Good. I'd hate for someone or thing getting to the house and stealing something. Honestly! Humans or Monsters could come after us for who knows what. It's stupid for us to even stay in Tokyo! Especially after you were kidnapped from your own room! The Sailor Guardians had to save you. You can't even trust police these days! I even heard there were sightings in Europe." She complained as she marched towards the car.

Ayame handed her bag to her father as she hurried to get into the car. Her mother already in the drivers seat. Once that last bag was in, her father hopped in as her mother started the car.

"I saw Sailor Moon save a window washer the other day and she stopped a back robber." Ayame said.

"While it is nice and they haven't done any major property damage, it's still bad for the police if they keep getting upstaged by the Sailor Guardians. They need to get their act together and the Sailor Guardians need to find the source of the problem, put an end to it, and let things return to normal." Mrs. Mascari stated.

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