Returning Memories

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me. The song in this chapter is "Cost of the Crown" by Mercedes Lackey

Ever since the transformation of the Princesses, no one had moved. All of them too shocked as the Princesses were glowing. Sailor Moon, now the Moon Princess was calm and serene as she now held the Moon Stick, now powered by the Silver Crystal. A pink aura surrounding her as she floated above the ground.

Sailor Gaea, now the Earth Princess, was surrounded in a blue glow as her tears still fell from her eyes. Looking up at the ceiling in despair as the Earth Defender's Sword appeared before her and she hesitantly took it. Her whole body shaking like a leaf. Trying to take deep breaths and have some semblance of composure as she held the hilt as if it was a lifeline.

"Sailor Moon..." Luna muttered as her crescent moon flashed as if doing a scan and recognizing her mistress. "You're the Princess! Princess Serenity!" she said, revealing the name of her princess.

"What?" All the girls asked as they looked down to the furry feline.

"Luna, did you just 'Princess'? Are you telling us that Sailor Moon is the Moon Princess we've been searching for this whole time?" Sailor Jupiter asked in disbelief.

As they spoke, Princess Serenity kneeled down and went to tend to Mamoru.

"And on top of that, Tuxedo Mask is actually Mamoru?" Sailor Mercury questioned, still trying to wrap her mind around everything that was going on.

Sailor Mars stood still as she watched this happen with stunned breath. Princess Serenity gently placing Mamoru's head in her lap to rest. He seemed peaceful as he rested in her lap and her soothing glow as it faded, the Moon Princess's eyes closed this entire time.

The Earth Princess remained standing and imbedded her sword into the ground as she used it to keep herself from falling. Her eyes on the ground as her hair covered her tear streaked face from view.

"Heh. If you think that's bad, I'm sorry to inform you, but you've only scratched the tip of the iceberg. Tuxedo Mask, Mamoru Chiba, both of these identities are who he is now, but like Sailor Moon, he has another identity. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Prince Endymion. Crown Prince of the former Kingdom of Earth. The elder brother of Princess Iris. Princess of the Earth Kingdom. Also known as Sailor Gaea." Jadeite informed them.

"You...You knew this the entire time didn't you, Actaeon!?" Sailor Notus accused. Careful to not use his real name while in enemy territory even though she was furious at him.

"...I did. I recognized them both the moment I laid eyes on them with my memories restored. I kept it hidden because I was hoping that she wouldn't awaken yet. She isn't ready for this yet. By hiding in plain sight, it would be safer for her. As for Mamoru, I have failed as one of his generals and his protector." Jadeite said in shame and regret.

"We can play the blame game later! We have bigger problems!" Sailor Boreas scolded them as she pointed back at Zoisite.

"So, the Moon Princess have awaken, has she? Fine. First, I'll get rid of her, and then I'll grab the Silver Crystal! Zoi!" Zoisite yelled as a black wave of energy burst out of his hand.

Snapping up, Princess Iris jumped from the noise and pulling out the sword, screamed as she swung it. A wall of light sweeping through the air from the arc of the blade. Creating a barrier as it pushed itself towards her attacker.

"What's this?!" Zoisite yelled before the barrier smacked right into him and with a painful yell, rammed into the pillar behind him. Falling flat on his face to the ground.

Realizing what she did, Princess Iris let the sword clatter to the floor as she fell on her hands and knees, nearly hyperventilating. The shaking growing stronger as she curled in on herself.

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