Part 3

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Diana POV

I wake up to find my mother checking on our monitors...I get up slowly and she walks to my side and holds my hand...

Mother: "Diana are you ok?"

I just rub my eyes...

Diana: "How long was I a sleep for?"

Mother: "About a day pass already"

My eyes open wide, but then I felt movement to my side...I look to see Akko...she got up and rub her eyes...

Akko: "Were...Where am I?"

Mother: "You in the hospital you have been out for a day your parents are worried about you and know this do not dare scare us again do you hear me young lady..."

I see Akko with a nervous mother can be quite intimidating at times...

Diana: "Mother it is ok, now how are you feeling Akko?"

Akko: "I am doing pretty good so far...he-he...and sorry for...ya know scaring you all..."

She lowers her head...I lift her head up by the chin and put our forehead together...

Diana: "The most important thing is that you are alright...but that said you have some explanation to give us"

She gives me a smile and sighs...

Akko: "Yea your right, but can we talk at home with everyone, it is important"

We get off the bed and get change, my mother has already contact the others to meet at my home to discuss what happen, I am a bit concern on her expression when she said those words...we finish changing and as Akko move her hair I notice the mark...I have to ask...

Diana: "Akko...where did you get that mark?"

She just stops then turns around...

Akko POV

Well I knew she was going to ask sooner or later...but I guess now is best then never, I hate lying...I I go...

Akko: "Well ya was this person...and...huh"

This was harder than I thought...but I have to say it...I explain to her everything that happen and about...Kali and how she gave me the mark as a way to find the posses ones...I am so dam nervous...I just wait for her responds...lucky that no one was here in the room it was just me and her...

Diana: "Oh...I see well then we must talk with the others about the new that all"

I just nod my head still nervous...she walks to me with a serious look...she puts her finger on the symbol...then I stiff up...she moves her head to my neck and licks the symbol then bits on it a bit hard...

Akko: "Ouch...Diana..."

She puts a finger near my lips to tell me not to talk...she then keeps nibbling and licking my neck, leaving marks...she stops and grabs my cheeks then kisses me...I was surprise...I wanted to put my hand around her waist but she use her hands to stop me...she bits my lips and pulls on it gently...then she walks back a little...

Diana: "Now your mine remember that...and as punishment for letting another woman touch you...I hear by forbid you from touching me for 2 days...but I will be bale to do whatever I want with you, do I make my self clear..."

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