Part 35

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Akko and Ray were on offence while Daisuke and Rose were on defense trying to help when ever they could, Diana and Ariana were also on the offence side, the boss summon some shadow vines to attack Rose and Daisuke, but Akko intervene by using her vines as well...

Akko: "That won't work"

Boss: "Who said I was aiming for them"

They all look confuse until a vine came out of the ground stab Akko on her side...Akko groan and whimpered the vine glowed and started to take some of Akko's power, Akko growled and bit the vine ripping it she move away and got to a safe spot next to Diana...Diana nuzzles Akko and looks at the vine still embedded in Akko side...

Diana: "You ok?"

Akko: "Yea, just got a little side track"

Ray charge and try to bit him, but he dodges and charge at Diana and Akko...luckily Rose manage to intervene and put a barrier around them, Daisuke ran up and stood next to Rose...

Boss: "Hm...this is getting us no ware, time to change it up a bit, how about we make it fair, shall we"

He summons 4 dragon shadows and has them attack, everyone dodge and were away from each other, the boss took that opportunity and open a portal as he attack Akko taking them both who knows were, Ariana manage to follow in time, but the rest are left to fend off the shadow dragons...

Ariana POV

I followed him and the mom into a place I have never seen, it kind of look like a desert, but were...I then heard growls and roars I headed to the direction and saw mom fighting with that monster...then mom got pin, I try to run, but it was hard in the sand, so I close my eyes and focus I then felt cool and fresh even in the heat and I roar releasing ice getting monster off my mom and made and ice bridge to my mom...

Ariana: "Mom! Are you alright?"

Akko: "Ariana you're here...yea I am ok, but you have ice powers?"

She says to me and she slowly gets up...

Ariana: "Yup, no mom lets kick this monster's ass"

Akko: "We are so fucken lucky your mother is not here, or she would get mad at us for using those words"

The boss got back up and did and evil laugh...

Boss: "Ha-Ha! what sweet relationship, but time to die for the both of you"

Mom looked at me and smirk...

Akko: "Hey Ari do you remember the training we did at your grandmothers place"

I tilt my head then I understood what she wanted to do, and I smirk as well...

Ariana: "Yup, sure do mom"

The boss charge at us but we dodge, mom moved back, and I use my ice power to freeze him in place, then I stood next to mom and both of us close eyes our eyes focusing our powers... I could feel mom sharing her powers it was like our powers were becoming one, we felt a tremble he broke out of the ice...suddenly we heard a loud thump and we look to see him down and took the opportunity and use more power to get ourselves out of were ever we are...

Ariana: "Later sucker!"


Diana and groups were doing better and already eliminate most of the enemy Diana with her mother and aunt, Diana decided to use her witch magic which seems more effective, Daisuke was helping his grandparents the others were being help as well, even the humans join, Andrew manage to get the city people to join in the fight since this battle held all their faiths, the only thing that worried Diana and the others is Akko and Ariana...Diana look around, but the only thing in her mind was Akko...suddenly Diana heard something from behind and was about to get attack when Mitski came in and help...

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