Part 8

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Akko POV

I teleported everyone, which took a lot out of me, for the matter that some were not close...I shake it off and get back to focus I teleported us to the entrance, but not to close to were we are supposed to be, because we don't know what are facing...we walk the tunnel I took and everyone was behind...Con too out her computer and set up with stand bot...she send another smaller stand bot to check out what we are dealing with...we wait and Cons shows a scree not to bright, but enough as to not get caught...we look as see humans...they look like people from the village not far from here...what are they doing...I was going out before Mia stopped me and made me look at the screen...she pointed at one of the men Cons froze the film and we look...the mans eyes were pitch dark and motionless...can it be...

Amanda: "So now what...they are just humans...and by the looks of it...they don't seem like themselves..."

She was right...

Akko: "Well it might be they got possess...remember what I said at the guess is we have to heal them or something like that...what do you know about possession Mia?"

Mia: "Well the only thing I know is that we either have to find the source or there is a ritual...but it will take time...and we have to make sure to time it right...we can cleanse them in one requires focus and Magic..."

Akko: "Well magic is no problem for me...but focus...yea...I think I will leave that to Sucy or Jaz they have more focus when it come to using magic then I do he-he...I mean if its ok with you two"

Jaz: "You can count on me"

Sucy: "I guess it's better than distracting..."

Akko: "Me, Amanda, Neo, will distract...Tyo protect Cons, Cons please keep updating everyone on what is happening and let them know that the dark mist stuff is here and possessing people to be careful when out there, Mel and Lily protect Mia, Jaz and Sucy, make sure if anyone gets pass you can stop them, everything must go well...everyone got it"

Everyone nod and we went off, Amanda, me and Neo head out to where the humans were...

Amanda: "Hey people! It would be nice if you step away from the big door and leave before things get rough..."

Wow and I thought I had a hard time waiting, I was think sneak attack, but oh well...we get out and wait to see what they do...they just stared at us and we stared at them which was kind of creepy me out...then on ran towards Amanda holding a gun...shit this is not good, the other humans pulled out guns and knives...well this is not going to be easy...

Akko: "Alright you two no killing or damaging, no matter what and stay safe, do not overdo it"

Amanda: "Can I at least beat the crap out of them..."

Akko: "Knock them out nothing more, and try to not use full force please"

I hop Diana and the others are not dealing with these things, I will protect my fiancé and child and my home where I have my life...


Meanwhile Cons has sent messages to the others tell them about the current situation and to be aware that the threat Akko spoke of has made its move and is attacking innocent by standards...humans as far as they know...she also told Diana to read the for any rituals and spell that can help purify souls...then Cons sent a message to Croix tell to tell all the witch world to be ready it has started....Mia and the other two were drawing the circle and putting the finishing stuff, when they heard scream of pain...Sucy and Tyo walk to check to see what was going on around the corner that leads to the door and see that one of the humans had change into a demon and has bitten down on Akko's arm pinning her down at the same time...they were going to run when Akko yell...

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