Part 34

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As the fight begins Daisuke and Ariana were trying to fight their mothers, Daisuke was in the air as Akko took flight as well, she went after her son, Daisuke did his best not to harm his mother, but she as fast, Daisuke tries to talk to her every time he gets a chance to...

Daisuke: "Mom! Please stop! It's me Daisuke please mom, I don't want to hurt you!"

All Daisuke could see is his mom teleport in from of him he tried to move but was caught by his tale and thrown to the grown...he roars in pain as his mom has him pin digging her claws in him...Ariana was not having it easy either...her mother Diana is strong for just being a fox...

Ariana: "Mother quit it, it's me remember please"

Ariana was back to the wall as she tried to escape, but then heard a roaring pain from the distance and saw Daisuke pin by Akko, Diana shakes her head and groans...she looks at Ariana and then rams her head into the wall, after knocking herself to sense she could feel herself returning...Ariana whimper...

Ariana: "Mother..."

Diana: "Ari...Ariana..."

Ariana runs to her mother and nuzzles her...

Ariana: "Mother it is going to be ok, just stay here I need to help Daisuke I will be back"

Diana could burly make out words and her sight was blurry, but she could burly see her daughter running away and attacking Akko...Diana got up hearing a voice...

Hikaru: "Diana, you idiot wakes up!"

Diana POV

I find myself in my mind world I was inside a barrier, but I could hear Hikaru calling for me and breaking the barrier, she walks to me and helps me up...

Hikaru: "Really I thought you would never wake up, I have been calling for you, how did you wake up?"

Diana: "I heard...I heard Diasuke...Daisuke, Ariana, were, what..."

Hikaru: "You were place under some kind of mind control, but you got out of it just in time, but no time for talking, we need to save our kids and our wife, before they kill each other"

Diana: "Right"

I leave my mind world and still in my fox form, I could see Daisuke and Ariana trying to hold Akko back, but got toss, I see Akko charging at Ariana and I run and bit her in the tail, I could hear her roar yelp...she turns to growl at me...something is off with her, and I need to find out what...I talk with Hikaru in my mind...

Diana: "Hikaru, mind taking over as I deal with Akko from the inside please"

Hikaru: "With pleasure, and don't worry I will let the kids know, now go before it gets worse"

I close my eyes and I am in Akko's mind world where I could not see anyone, I call out for any of both...

Diana: "Kuro! Akko! Anyone!"

I waited to listen, and I heard someone call...

Kuro: "Diana over here!"

I run to were Kuro's voice is at and I find her trying to break a barrier it was covered by dark clouds; I walk up to Kuro...

Diana: "Kuro, what is going on, where is Akko?"

Kuro: "I have been trying to get her out of the barrier, but she won't even wake up, I have yelled and tried everything, but no use, maybe you can do it"

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