Part 5

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Lotte POV

We just saw Akko leave us running off who knows were, we all just kept going I turn around and saw Diana's face...she seems down...I walk up to her and she looks at me...

Lotte: "Diana...are you ok?"

She give me a smile and nods her head...but I know she is not...did her and Akko get into a fight or something...We finally make it to the café and take a our seat...I got a text from Akko telling me she is going to be a little late but that to order for her she will be here soon...

Sucy: "What is wrong Lotte?"

Everyone just stares at me....

Lotte: "Akko texted me saying that she will be a little late, but that to order for her and to get what ever we want she will treat us"

Hanna: "What on earth can the girl be doing..."

Amanda: "It would be funny if she got lost...ha-ha"

Hanna hit Amanda in the can she be so in considerate...really...but I could see Diana sad expression...

Sucy: "Well if she is paying then let's order I am sure that knuckle head will be here soon"

We order and talk...I could see Diana was still distracted...she then gets up and walks to the restroom...I waited a few minutes and then follow her...I got to the restroom and heard sobbing...I walk in and I could see Diana crying...

Lotte: "Diana...want to talk a little"

We walk to the back and I wait for her to say something...

Diana: "I think Akko hate me right now...she has been avoiding me and I think it is my fault..."

I give her a tissue...

Lotte: "If it makes you feel better you can tell me, maybe I can help"

She nods her head and explains that she and Akko are in season, but Akko has been trying to avoid her...then she tells me of wanting kids and how Akko reacted...although it is logic that she would act that way, but to avoid her that is mean, and unlike Akko...I am going to have a word with her...she then calms down...

Diana: "Now I do not know what to do to get her back"

Lotte: "I am sure Akko does not hate you, of that I am certain"

Diana: "How do you know that?"

Lotte: "By the way she talks about you, when you left school Akko was depress without you and sometimes cry, although she would always talk about you and it would make her happy, you accomplishment and how she is the most luckiest to have someone like you by her side...of course she had her moments...she even told us the day your mother came up to her and ask Akko to not do anything inappropriate until after the wedding and Akko agreed and you know how she is with her words...I am sure it is just a mis understanding, my advice is to talk it out with each other and clear things up I am sure she will listen and if not I will personally go knock some sense into her for you"

Diana then hugs me...

Diana: "I can see now why Akko thinks highly, you are kind and help those who needed even if you might have things to do"

I just giggle...

Lotte: "Well I guess I have Akko to thank for that, since I met her all I wanted to do was help, just like her, she is a strong person, stubborn and hot headed at time, but she cares for other like no other would, and I think that is why I help her the first day I met her...I am sure Akko changed everyone in the group and the teachers as well"

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