Chapter 3: Invitation

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Chapter 3: Invitation

Your eyes open as you hear a loud car horn. You jump up causing something on top of your head to let out a groan of pain.

Startled, you look up to see Jay rubbing his chin with one hand as he uses the other to rub his tired eyes.

"I'm so sorry Jay!" You apologise frantically with wide eyes.

"It's fine." He mutters tiredly.

You look up to the sky to see that the rain had stopped a little but it was turning dark and it was really windy. Your mind wondered to this morning, when you heard that within these next few days there'll be a storm and that everyone should stay indoors during these days.

You turn back towards Jay, "Hey Jay? Do you know about the storm?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I heard a few people talking about it."

You nodded before continuing, "Where are you going to stay for the next few days?"

Once again, he shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not sure yet. I'll probably just stay here."

You shake your head in disagreement, "It's too dangerous for you to be out here."

"I've got no where else to go."

You look down at the ground before biting your lips as you debated over your thoughts. Finally coming to a conclusion, you let out a sigh, "You can stay over at my house for a few days."

Jay looks up at you with furrowed eyebrows, "You know (Y/N), you shouldn't be inviting men over to your house, it could be dangerous, I could probably hurt you." He teases.

You shake your head at him, "I get that, but I've known you for a few months now, I know you're a good person."

"I can't come over to your house (Y/N)."

"Why not?"

"You've done so much for me already, I don't want to intrude. Besides, what will your parents say, bringing a homeless person home with you?"

You freeze in your spot before letting out a sigh, "My parents passed away 2 years ago." You mumble quietly.

Jay's eyes widen, "Oh crap, I'm sorry (Y/N)! I didn't know."

You shake your head at him, "It's fine, I didn't tell you."

You sat in silence for a few seconds before speaking up again, "And besides, you wouldn't be intruding, I'd honestly love having someone else in the house with me. It gets kind of lonely on my own."

"(Y/N)-." Jay starts but was cut off by you.

"Please! I promise you won't be a bother at all! And you can leave whenever you want after the storm if you feel uncomfortable. I just want you to be safe. I'd feel really guilty if I just left you here in this storm."

Jay stares at you for a few seconds before letting out a sigh, "Fine." He agrees causing you to squeal in happiness.

"Yay!" You cheer childishly as you grab his hand, "Now let's grab your things and hurry on home before this storm comes."

Jay chuckles at you as he collects his things before following you to your house.

Hopeless (Yandere Homeless Boy X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now