Chapter 5: Kevin and Cali

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(A/N: Random question of the day: Has anyone played Mystic Messengers???)

Chapter 5: Kevin and Cali

It was the morning after the storm, nothing really happened last night. You and Jay both ate your spaghetti while watching 'Teen Wolf', after fangirling and debating on different characters, you both decided to call it a night and headed towards your respective rooms. Jay was sleeping in one of your guest rooms.

You woke up before Jay had and decided to make something big for breakfast, since you were too lazy to make something nice last night for dinner. You take out the ingredients to make pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon.

While preparing your breakfast, your phone starts to ring, you notice it's a group call from Kevin and Cali. You pick it and and put in on speaker so that you could continue cooking.

"Hey guys." You greet into the phone.

"Sup bish!" Cali exclaims as Kevin replies with a simple 'hi'.

"Why are you calling me at 10am?" You question confused knowing that the both of them would most likely be sleeping at this time.

"Well we heard that the storm has passed over but the school is going to remain close for today, so we were planning on coming over to your house." Kevin explained.

You shrug your shoulders before remembering that they can't see you, "Sure you guys can come over, you'd end up coming even if I say no."

Both of them laugh at your comment, "You know us too well (Y/N)."

"We're heading over right now, so you better have some of your amazing breakfast ready for us!" Cali exclaims before yelling out a bye and ending the call.

You roll your eyes at your best friends antics before saying bye to your sensible friend and ending the call. You continue making breakfast but now for 4 people rather then just 2. You start to hum 'No tears left to cry' as you flip over a pancake, not realising a presence standing right behind you.

"Who was that?"

You jump in fear at the voice and turn around to face the culprit, your hand placed over your racing heart. "Holy cheese, Jay, you scared the fudge cakes out of me!"

Jay stares at you with a frown, "who was that?" He questions again.

You look at him in confusion before realising he was asking about the call. "Oh it was my best friends, Cali and Kevin. I mentioned them yesterday remember, your wearing the clothes that Kevin left behind. Anyways, they called saying they wanted to come over. You don't mind right?"

Jay looks at you for a few seconds before shaking his head, "I don't mind, it's your house, you can decided who comes and who doesn't."

"Okay, well I'm making pancakes and scrambled eggs with bacon, hope your stomachs empty." You grin.

The boy smiles at you while sitting down on a stool. "So, this Kevin friend of yours, do you like him?"

You blink your eyes at his question, "Um, yeah I guess, he's my best friend so obviously I like him, he's like a big brother to me."

Jay nods his head at your answer and smiles again, "it smells really nice." He compliments causing you to laugh.

"Thank you, it's actually-." You were cut off by the door bell ringing, the sound resonating around the kitchen.

"Oh, those two were fast." You mumble to yourself as your wipe your hands to open the front door.

You swing the door open to come face to face with a mob of blonde hair. "Woah! Cali! Why are you standing so close to the door!"

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