Chapter 12: Discovery

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(A/N: Question of the day: What religion do you follow?)

Chapter 12: Discovery

You and Jay decided to have a movie night that night, so you both set up the living room by placing blankets on the ground with a load of pillows to get comfortable, and had different foods on the table in front of you.

You decided on having a high school musical movie marathon since Jay had never watched it and you just wanted to watch it for childhood memories.

You were half way through the second movie, with you singing and dancing to all the songs while Jay laughed at you, when you got a phone call.

You look at your phone to see it was from an unknown number. You pause the movie and sit up before answering the call, ignoring the confused look Jay gave you. 

"Hello." You greet into the phone.

You heard someone sobbing, "(Y/N)?" A familiar voice questioned.

"Mrs McCall?" You question confused as to why your ex boyfriends mother would be calling you. Mrs McCall was a sweet woman who loved you as her own child, even after you broke up with her son, she continued loving you as her own.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" You ask concerned.

"Oh (Y/N), its Thomas." Mrs McCall cried out.

"Thomas? Is he okay?" You question as you see Jay moving towards you from the corner of your eye.

"(Y/N), he, my son, he's..." Mrs McCall stuttered, "He's dead!" She screams as she bursts into more tears.

You feel yourself freeze, "What?" You whisper confused.

"Me and my husband were coming home from work and when we got into the house we smelt blood. We walked into the living room to see Thomas' body." She cries.

"Thomas.. is.. dead...?" You whisper to yourself as you felt tears rush to your eyes.

"What?" Jay questions as he now stands in front of you, concern floating through his eyes. 

You felt the phone slip out of your hand just as you heard the call being ended, you felt yourself shaking as tears crusaded down your cheeks.

Jay immediately pulls you into a hug, whispering into your ears, but you heard nothing, all you could think about was Mrs McCalls sentence, "He's dead!"

Thomas was dead. But how? He was at your house a few hours ago, laughing and joking around, and now he's dead?

You felt bile rising up to your throat, you push Jay away from you and ran towards the bathroom. You flung open the door before proceeding to let out the food you had eaten while watching the movies.

You felt hands grab your hair and move it away from your face as another hand rubbed your back soothingly. After a few minutes of you throwing up, you lean against the bathroom wall, out of breath, tears still falling.

Jay once again pulls you into a hug, telling you to calm down and to breath. Once you were calm, Jay made you explain what had happened, before allowing you to cry on him again.

Jay picked you up from the bathroom floor and carried you to your bed, before gently placing you down. He noticed the bed had no blanket since you used them all downstairs, he quickly pulled himself from you and said he'd be back in a few seconds, before he ran out of the room.

You took this time alone to think about what had happened, the news of Thomas' death shocked you to the max, you never thought that someone would want to kill Thomas. Two of your friends were now dead, both in very brutal ways. You were scared, scared of being alone, but then you remembered that Jay was here. You were thankful for the boy for being with you and comforting you.

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