Chapter 8: Murder!

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(A/N: Question of the day: What's your favourite food?)

Chapter 8: Murder!

You and Jay were sitting in the living room, watching a show on Netflix called 'You.' It was about a man who was obsessed with this girl and did whatever it took to be with the girl, even resorting to murder.

You cringe at the sight of the dead body covered with blood and bruises, even though you knew it was just make up and fake blood, you still didn't like the idea of seeing a dead body.

Noticing your discomfort, Jay moves closer to you, "you okay (Y/N)?"

You look up at him with a small smile, "yeah, I'm okay. I was just wondering, imagine if this show was real, and there really was someone out there killing for someone they were obsessed with."

Jay chuckles at your suggestion, "if there was, I'd be there to protect you if you get scared."

You laugh at him, "oh my knight in shinning armour." You tease cheerfully before resuming to watch the show.

Little did you know, that the show was real and you were the star in it. Your knight in shining armour would soon become your worse nightmare.

Time skip

"Hey Jay, dinners ready!" You call out as you place two plates of lasagna down onto the small table in front of the TV.

"That smells delicious." Jay compliments as he sits down next to you on the couch. You thank him as you watch Jay pick up the remote and flip through the channels. You watch the screen flickers before your eye catches one of the channels.

"Wait, wait, wait, go back a few channels." You say as Jay looks at you in confusion but proceeds to do as you say.

You watch the channels flicker as the one that caught your eyes is displayed on the screen. "Wait, leave it on this channel!"

Jay raises his eyebrow at you, "the news?"

"It's saying something happened." You state as you focus on the screen.

On TV a news reporter was reporting something that happened not too far from here. "There has been a dead body found in the alleyway between 'Carries coffee shop' and 'Joes shoe repairs.' The body was found by the owner of the shoe shop who said they found the body while taking the trash out. The body found was said to be a young girl, around the age of 17, who was found with her throat slashed and her thigh stabbed. Police are saying that-."

The channel changed before the reporter could finish her sentence. You turn towards Jay who turned to look at you with a look of concern.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He asks as he moves closer to you.

It was then you realised that you were clutching onto your pillow tightly in fear. "I- I'm fine." You stutter out.

Jay pulls you against him into a hug. "It's okay (Y/N), I'm here for you."

"I just can't believe that something like this happened not too far from here. I wonder who the poor girl was." You mumble against his chest.

"I guess it was just someone who was there at the wrong time." Jay states sadly, but unknowingly to you, the boy had a large smirk on his face as he held you in his arms.

Time skip

You held your phone in your hand, deciding to call your two best friends to ask them if they've seen the news and to question if they had gotten home safely.

You decided to call your girl-friend first, so you dialled her number and waited for her to pick up. After 2 minutes of waiting, you ended the call and just thought that your blonde haired friend had probably left her phone lying around as she took a shower or slept, so you decided to call your other friend. 

Dialling his number, you waited for a few seconds before the call was answered, "Hello?" You heard his croaky voice greet, as if he was crying.

"Kev? Hey, what's wrong are you okay?" You question concerned as to why your friend was crying.

"(Y/N)?" He questions confused before realising who he was talking to, "(Y/N)! Oh my god! Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"I'm fine, are you okay, you sound like you've been crying?" 

"You haven't heard?" Kevin questions.

"What are you talking about?" You ask, now concerned.

"(Y/N)... Cali, she..." Kevin trailed off.

"She what?"

"She's dead."

You feel your heart stop as your eyes widen, "What?"

"It was on the news, Cali was found dead between the two shops, she was.. she was." Kevin started but stopped as he began to cry.

It then hit you that he was talking about the news from this morning, about the dead body found that had it's throat slashed. 

You feel yourself shaking as you dropped your phone and found yourself struggling to breathe. You stumble backwards as tears invade your vision. Your fists clench around the pillow that was near you as you let out large gasps of air.

As you were struggling to breathe, you didn't realise that Jay had walked into the room, his hair wet from having a shower. He had a smile on his face as he walked in, but that smile soon fell off as he saw the state you were in. 

He rushed towards you and held you in his arms, "(Y/N), it's me Jay. I need you to calm down, you need to breathe slowly." He whispers gently in your ears.

You shake your head as tears continue to call from your eyes, "(Y/N)," Jay starts again, "I need you to breathe with me, okay? In, and out, in, and out." He repeats the same sentence over and over again until you feel your self calm down. 

You clung onto Jay as he rubs his hand soothingly down your back, "Are you okay now?" He asks you softly. 

You nod your head at him as you look up at him. Jay looks down at you and uses his fingers to gently remove the tears that had flown down your cheeks. 

A few seconds pass in silence between the two of you before Jay breaks it, "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He questions softly.

Your mind reels back to the phone call with Kevin, as you recall your conversation about your now dead best friend. 

Tears begin to form in your eyes as you answer the boy, who was patiently waiting for you to answer, "Cali, she's.. dead." That word sounded weird coming from your mouth, especially using that name in the same sentence.

Jay stared down at you with wide eyes, concern flashing in those eyes, as he hugs you closer. "Oh (Y/N)." He whispers.

"I j-just can't b-believe someone would d-do that to h-her." You stutter as tears once again fell down your cheeks, "How can s-someone be so c-cruel to kill her l-like that. It was s-such a brutal way. She didn't d-deserve that."

Jay rubs your back soothingly, "(Y/N), the police will find whoever did this hideous act and will punish them. Cali didn't deserve this."

You nod your head at him but continue to cry, Jay simply holds you closer and comforts you, while unknowingly to you, the boy held a smirk on his face as he thought back to the expressions that were made by the blonde haired girl as he stabbed his knife into her.

Jay looked down at you with a soft smile, "Don't worry (Y/N), I won't let anyone hurt you." He thought to himself as he held you closer towards him.

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