Chapter 7: The first to go

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Chapter 7: The first to go

Jayson's POV:

I left the house, making sure that (Y/N) didn't follow me and made my way towards the coffee shop, that was 5 minutes away from (Y/N)'s house. I stand outside it, peeking in to see the person that I wanted to see.

They were ordering a coffee to take out. I move to the side a bit when I see that they began to make their way towards the door. I push myself behind the wall as I watch the person walk out the shop and down the street.

From a distance, I followed them, making sure they didn't see me. They took a sip out of their cup before letting out a sigh, forming a cloud of condensation.

I smirk as I see an upcoming alleyway, the person heading straight for it. I look around the street seeing that it was empty, no person and no cars, perfect.

Taking this as an opportunity, I rush forwards and grab the person by the wrist with one hand before using the other hand to cover their mouth. They struggle against me, causing the cup of coffee to fall to the ground, but I manage to drag them down the alleyway before letting them go.

They turn around and turn to look at me with wide eyes, once they've realised who I was, their face formed into a glare. "You!" They exclaim with anger.

I let a smile form on my face, "hello Cali, nice to see you again."

"What the hell! You creep! Why did you drag me in here!" Cali yells.

"Well I just wanted to talk." I say shrugging my shoulder.

"There are other ways to talk." She spits out before rubbing her arms to provide some warmth. "What do you want?"

"I want you to answer a few questions for me." I smile.

"What questions?"

"Who is Kevin to (Y/N)?" I ask.

Cali looks at me confused, "what?"

"Answer the question!" I yell, my face forming a glare.

Cali shakes her head, "Er, her best friend, they've known each other for like 5 years, he's like a brother to her."

"Does (Y/N) have any other 'guy' friends?" I spit out.

"Why are you asking me this?" Cali glares.

"Because I need to protect my dear (Y/N)." I say simply, "I need answers to make sure no one can hurt her."

Cali stares at me with wide eyes, realisation forming in those eyes. "Your... your not normal." She whispers as she starts to back up. "I knew there was something wrong with you. I knew (Y/N) shouldn't have taken you in. What are you, obsessed with her! You don't even know her!"

"I know her well enough to know she needs to be protected from the evil in this world, including you."

Cali looks at me in confusion as she watches me pull out a knife from my back pocket, her eyes now widen in fear.

"J- Jay. Where did you get that from?" She whispers as she stumbles back.

I stare at the knife with admiration, as I pull it to my lips and lick it, before turning my gaze towards the girl in front of me, "oh this? From (Y/N)'s kitchen. She wouldn't realise it's gone, after all it's just one knife... for now."

"Don't come any closer." Cali gulps, tears now forming in her eyes.

"Oh Cali, sweet, stupid Cali! I don't listen to idiots like you." I yell as I run towards her before she could even think, I plunge the knife deep into her thigh, causing her to let out an ear piercing scream. I use my hand to cover her mouth, as tears now fall freely down her face.

Cali falls to the ground, the knife still in her thigh. I crouch down beside her and watch as she tries to shuffle backwards. I click my tongue in amusement, before grabbing the knife, immediately stopping Cali from moving.

"Now? How about we get back to these questions huh?" I smirk.


(Y/N) was at home, sitting in front of the TV, watching more reruns of friends, eating popcorn and laughing, not knowing what was happening to her blonde haired friend who was  crying in agony at the knife that was implanted into her thigh by the very man whom she had made very close acquaintance with.

Back to Jay

"Now, how about you tell me about any other guys in (Y/N)'s life?" I question, my hand gripped onto the knife.

"No!" Cali glared at me, hatred in her eyes.

"No? Hum, maybe a little persuasion would help." I grin as I twist the knife more deeper into her thigh causing her to scream. I let out a chuckle seeing the pain on her face, "I love hearing these screams. No one can hear you apart from me." I smirk as I twist the knife even more, "now answer me!"

"There's only one other!" She screams tears dribbling down her face.

"Who Cali?" I ask, no longer twisting the knife but still holding onto it.

"H- his name is Thomas. He- he used to date (Y/N), but they b-broke up. It wasn't a b-bad break up, the two are still friends." She gasps out.

"Where does he live Cali?" I ask.

She lets out a strangled gasp, "WHERE DOES HE LIVE!" I yell as I plunge the knife deeper into her.

She screams out his address in agony. I make a mental reminder of the address before letting a smile creep onto my face. "Thank you Cali. You were very helpful."

She looks at me tearfully, gasping in and out.

"But, I'm afraid I can't let you go. You've seen too much. I can't have you telling my dear (Y/N)."

Her eyes widen in pure fear, "I promise I won't. I won't go near her! I won't tell her anything! Please let me go."

I tut at her begging, "I'm sorry Cali, I can't. But I'll tell you what, since you gave me all these answers, I won't torture you, I'll kill you in one go, you won't feel much pain." I whisper before pulling the knife out of her thigh causing her to scream once more.

"Any last words Cali?" I question mockingly.

"Please don't do this. Please..."

"Goodbye Cali." I say as I grab her by her hair and use the knife to slice her throat open. I watch as she struggles to breath, she began chocking and coughing but I didn't care for that. I watched in happiness as I saw the blood rush down her body, her eyes now loosing life before she went limp.

I stare at her for a few seconds before standing up and walking away. I look down at myself and congratulate myself for getting no blood on my clothes as I make my way back to (Y/N)'s place.

I walk down the path that leads to where I normally sit, to see that it was wet but safe to return to. I ignore it and continue on my way to see my sweet (Y/N).

I see the house before knocking on it and waiting for (Y/N) to answer it. 10 seconds later the door is swung open and I'm greeted with (Y/N)'s beautiful smile.

"Welcome back!" She grins before allowing me into the house. I walk in before turning around to look at her.

"So how is it? Is it safe to return to?" She questions.

I let a small frown appear on my face, "unfortunately no, the area I normally stay at is in ruins from the storm, it's too dangerous to stay at right now."

(Y/N) nods her head in understandment, "it's okay, you can stay here for however long you need." She smiles.

I let a small innocent smile adore my face, "okay, thank you (Y/N), I'll stay here you."

She smiles and nods her head before making her way back to the living room, me following close behind.

"I'll stay to make sure your protected my love."

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