Chapter 14: True Colours

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(A/N: Question of the day: Do you guys prefer romance or adventure?)

Chapter 14: True Colours

You slowly open your eyes, and turn your head around to the side. You look around confused as you slowly try to sit up but stop when you feel something tugging onto your wrists. Confused you look down at your wrists to see some rope tied securely around it.

Panicking, you look around the room, to see that you were alone in your bedroom, but why were you tied up?

It was then everything came back to you, Cali and Thomas' murders and finding the knife and bloody shirt underneath Jay's bed.

You attempt to pull your arms to try to take the ropes off but to no avail. You pull against the ropes but they were too strong. You wince as you feel the rope cut deeply into your skin. You let out a sigh as you lean against your pillow as you thought of what you were going to do.

Deep in your thoughts, you didn't realise Jay opening the door and entering the room with a tray filled with breakfast.

"Good morning my love, I hope you had a pleasant sleep." Jay greets with a smile.

Startled, you jump slightly at his voice as you turn to look at him as you scramble to sit in a sitting position. You watch with wide eyes as he moves to the bed and sits next to you while he places the tray onto your lap.

He lifts his hand to touch your cheek, but you flinch away. Jay notices this but continues to touch your face anyways. He gently caresses your cheek while ignoring the glare you sent him as he turns his gaze towards your breakfast.

He picks up the spoon and lifts it to your mouth, "Open wide love." 

You simply stare at him as he tries to get you to open your mouth. After a while Jay gets fed up, "Love, I suggest you open your mouth if you don't want anything bad happening."

Your eyes widen at his threat, before you glare at him again, "I can feed myself."

"I don't think you can love." Jay chuckles as he gestures towards your bounded arms. You fought the urge of yelling at him that its his fault that your in this position and instead decide to settle on glaring at him again.

"(Y/N)..." Jay trails of, now starting to get really annoyed by your lack of co-operation.

Deciding to let him win this one time because you were both hungry and scared of what he might do if you don't listen to him, you open your mouth allowing Jay to place a piece of pancake with Nutella into your mouth.

"There, now that wasn't so hard now was it?"

You ignore his question as you stare at the plate below you filled with pancakes and Nutella topped with strawberries and bananas. Your gaze focuses on the Nutella, realising it was because of the bread spread that you had time to look around Jay's room to find the truth.

'Guess he still brought the Nutella then huh?'  You thought to yourself bitterly as you were being fed by the murderer of your best friend and boyfriend.

"So (Y/N)," Jay states, breaking the silence between you two, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but I don't have time to answer them all, so I'm allowing you to ask 3 questions, that'll I'll answer, okay?"

You roll your eyes at his comment and stop yourself from saying 'I bet you don't have time since your too busy murdering everyone I love' out loud. Instead, you thought about the  3 questions you wanted to ask him.

While thinking, Jay took this time to move your now empty plate and placed it onto the small desk in your room, before proceeding to sit back next to you.

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