Freshmen Seminar

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That class is hypocritical and the most pointless class one can take. I swear to God. And to everyone else. All of it's crap.
For those who don't know what it is, it's a class basically to "help you become a better person." The only way that class is helping me is encouraging me never to ever become a freshmen seminar teacher. It's completely hypocritical.
Heh, funny stories follow this:

1. One day, my freshman seminar teacher is like, "How do I spell apologize? Is it "App?" I was kind of zoning out, not really paying attention so I didn't reply.
So then he spelled it "Appolagize." I was like: ... -facedesk-
He also cannot spell "attentively." He asked me how to spell that too. .-. Fml.
2. Our teacher reads kinda slow and forces us to do things like, idk, writing "Thank you" cards or whatever for the school for a mandatory class trip. So we are like 3 weeks behind other classes. XD yeh.
3. He insulted us writers. We were talking about the book we have to follow, and he literally said. "Writing books is to make money." REALLY?! What about "writing is for the sake and enjoyment of writing!?" I mean, COME ON PEOPLE! -cries- I practically died when I heard that. If we were writing for money, WHY ISNT THERE A STACK OF CASH SITTING IN FRONT OF ME?
4. My friend from the other class said we are not supposed to be "centered" around something like, writing, art, music, or sports. And yet everyone else is telling us to focus on your aptitudes and skills, which basically means we need to be centered around SOMETHING! MAKE UP YOUR MIND PEOPLE! You can't have it both ways!!

* oh if you're reading my new story Asylum, I'm sorry I haven't updated XD I have literally rewritten Chapter 4 over like, 4 times...filler chapters are HARD

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