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First of all, I love roleplaying, make no mistake about that. I'm very specific about what pet peeves I have.

1) When people make it about themselves. OMG. That just lights the fuse and explodes. Okay, people, you need to make it about others and not just yourself. Like, seriously, the world doesn't revolve around you. If the roleplay ends with you as the main character, whatever, that's how it turned out. But don't force it to make you the main character.

2) When people are "perfect." Okay, no one's perfect. You just have to accept that. So if you're "perfectly doing a 360 on your skateboard," that's totally unrealistic and annoying to others. 95% of the time, no one cares if you're doing a perfect 360 or whatever.

3) When people force you to fall in love with a particular person. Okay, that's just nonsense. 90% of the time when I've done the roleplays with an assigned crush, I never end up with that person. Let me choose my own crush people. ITS A FREE COUNTRY.

4) When people make it so all the owners or whatever make it so they get all the awesome roles. SHARE THE AWESOME ROLES PEOPLE. Don't be a hog, for goodness's sake!

5) When people make themselves OP in roleplays with powers. Okay, if you don't know what OP is, it's basically Over Powering. It's really annoying when you're trying to hurt someone and they don't get hurt just because they want to be the best.

Ex. Person 1: *sends a fireball at Person 2*

Person 2: *dodges*

Person 1: *sends a fire tornado at Person 2*

Person 2: *sends it back*

Person 1: *sends a direct hit with fire cannon*

Person 2: *narrowly escapes with a small burn* *heals*

There you go. It's REALLY annoying. Don't be that person who does that.

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