Chapter 3: Icy Blood

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I smiled. Dad looked gloomier than usual but I kept on grinning like the morning sun. I loved Ice, snow, and everything else wet, dark, and mysterious. Darkness...the ever beautiful...every concealing and sweet.

I grinned when I took out my jag after putting on snow chains on it. It was going to be an awesome day. The snow was falling in sprinkles from the gloomy pregnant sky. The wind was howling. The sound of cars was minuscule.

The streets were paved well for me to drive through. Oh...such beauty!

Giddiness was an understatement. I was glowing with happiness. I was a glowing beacon of happiness. As usual, I parked behind Edward's parking spot and stopped my car. The jaguar was well and kicking still I needed it to calm down for now.

A rare form of love blossomed inside of me when I saw Jacob Black's car parking beside mine. He was stuffed inside of a parka like it was his last hope in the storm. He looked so adorable!

I kept my eye on the rear view mirror and saw Edward Cullen pull in and get out of his car with the grace of a praying mantis. My heart skipped a beat but I ignored it when I saw Rosalie coming out of the same car with him.

Sighing I covered myself up and climbed out of my car. No use. Edward and Rosalie. Rosalie and Edward. It was all I could see for the past three weeks. My disappointment at my mother's dream visit was visible.

Still, a stalker stalked even if she was deterred. Plus, I meant no harm to him or Rosalie.

So, what if he got his freak on with Rosalie?

The thought made my heart sink. Maybe this day wasn't going to be the best after all. I still couldn't get rid of the smile and it made me persevere long enough to get my bag out of the car only to look back at the skidding car of Carter.

"Look Out!"

Yeah dumdums! I am looking!

I would've screamed but there was no time. The seconds rolled by in slow motion while I awaited the car to hit me. It was just a matter of time.

I didn't close my eyes. My heart beat faster by the moment. I was going to die like this. I was going to die like this. Not as a renowned femme fatale like my Mama. Not as a spinster cat lady. But like this.

Did I have a regret? No. None to my own awe. The car was just inches from me when I realized this and smiled faintly. Yeah...I looked forward to death...

It was then I learned the hardest lesson in my life. The hardest and scariest lesson I would ever learn in this life of mine. With seconds to spare, I was pulled away from the skidding car and rolled within the arms of someone over the parking lot.

The car's crash resounded within my head while I inhaled the familiar and delectable scent of Honeysuckle and spice. Looking at me were concerned amber eyes set in the face of a Greek statue. I could only stare while he looked me over.

"You're not hurt, anywhere are you?"

I blinked. My face must've been blushing for Edward to have creased his brow at me and touch my forehead with his cold hands. it freezing...

I shivered and he took his hand away like he had touched a hot skillet. I kept gaping at him when everyone turned to us and took me away from him. My mouth kept hanging out in query. What. Just. Happened?

I didn't know. I didn't wish to know. I just wanted to stare at Edward Cullen's sullen face disheartened and concerned. My heart sank. There was fear in them too.

He was scared. He was scared because he had saved me. He had saved me in record time. And there was no way he had been near me. My mind processed it all in a heartbeat while I was being carried away to the infirmary by Jake's concerned person. My mind processed it all.

10 seconds.

He sprinted to me and rolled me away from impact within half of that time. I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Still the unbelievable number churned in my head. The number of seconds I had to live before Edward Cullen came to my rescue.

What did I do to deserve such courage?

I looked up and there was Dr. Cullen with his notebook asking me meaningless questions which made no sense to me. I answered them but I didn't mention one thing of Edward saving me. I only nodded to whatever Dr. Cullen said about my rescue.

In the end, I saw through the crack of the door Edward Cullen staring daggers at me.

In just 10 seconds...he had rescued me. I was shocked. I was beyond shocked. Most of all, I was confused.

Why did you do it? Why me?

Why did you save me Edward Cullen?

As if hearing my thoughts Edward came forward after I was left alone to rest in the infirmary. His eyes were a darker brown now as if the pupils had dilated all the way. There were red veins all over the white of his eyes.

I only stared into them before hearing his soft bell tingle baritone voice whisper in my ear. "I don't know. Just live your life and never look back Bella."

With those words Edward made my heart beat furiously for once in my entire lifetime. It wasn't beating just because it should. It wasn't beating because of my wish. It was beating because it was a gift. A gift of life. A gift Edward had saved for me to finally treat it well.

And when Edward left moments after his words, I remembered his words. They sealed themselves into my veins. They branded themselves over my skin and they resonated deep within my bones.

Just live your life and never look back Bella.

Mama's words came to me then. "Trust your gut. Edward's not what he seems. He's good. He'll keep you safe."

I slowly let out another breath before closing my eyes. It was time I chose. And I chose...


Never thought I'd finish another Chapter so soon. But here you go. Hope you all enjoy it. Leave a vote and a comment. 

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Catch you later folks. 

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