Chapter 20: The Journey of a Thousand years Starts from a Single Step

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What the heck? What was I doing again?

My body began burning out of nowhere and all thoughts went away. My fear at the sensation. My anger at what was going on. Everything was utterly insane for me to comprehend, yet there was power and assurance.

Come with me...

It whispered in my ear. The ancient chanting of unknown words made my head dizzy. I wanted to crawl back into my dark hole. Crawl into the sweet embrace of darkness, and rest.

Nevertheless, a compulsion to learn more was getting the best of me. The soothing chants were mesmerizing me and I was maniacally shooting towards that small albeit blinding light.

Come with me...

I should've refused. I knew I was supposed to refuse. But, I didn't. I didn't refuse. I didn't run away. I didn't just crawl back into the witch's belly. I came out with my feet chasing the end of the tunnel once more.

Screaming in agony, I heard my bones break and reform into new ones. Joints remodel to a stronger shape. I felt my heart beating to the rhythm of the chants. I smelled the air around my skin.


I gagged. The scent was horrible, even here in the unknown. Just where was I, if I could feel, smell, and hear? What was I doing here?

A warm hand traced my cheeks with affection. I heard the voice...charming and deep. "Bella, love?"


Opening my eyes without a notice was what I wanted to do. Instead, I gritted my teeth and waited for the chants to disappear and for my feet to reach the end of the road. I could feel a pressure to do this. An evolutionary pressure to not let go of my prey and stay still as a rock.

"Bella? Are you there?"

I'm coming Edward! Wait for me!

"She's crossing, Edward." Tutting. The voice sounded very high-pitched. Sweet.

Alice. Edward sighed. "I know, she is. But I—"

"Leave her be, Edward."

Sharp voice with a clinician's touch. Carlisle.

Edward gave me one last sighing call. "I love you, Bella. Please come back to me."

My heart and resolve almost all broke but I was stronger. I didn't break while I felt my body changing and ran for the end of the tunnel.

For Edward!

I jumped and with a rush of air, my heart beat thickened.

For my son!

My lungs constricted to allow the scent of some unknown scorching heat to cross into my throat.

For my family! I heart my soul cry out one last time. To see them one more time! I must not lose to see them one last time!


Sorry, this is kind of a small chapter but I believe you guys might love it since it's Bella's turning. I couldn't dwell much on the seriousness of the situation knowing Bella's going to have supernatural capabilities. So, here it is. 

Next up, the other Chapters. 

As always, thank you for reading! 

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