Chapter 13: Night of the Hunt

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Oregon was a beautiful place to live, surely. But it wasn't the safest. The obscure jungles hid everything from sight. It also concealed the appearance of any enemies nearby.

Edward knew this. But—

"We can't leave this place." He insisted. "I can't ask more from you and Carlisle."

It was becoming common truth that Edward was a good person, even if he was a vampire. His compassion and empathy were on point. His consideration was overboard. His heart shone despite his overbearing beauty and strict bone structure.

It was one of the many reasons why I ever fell in love with him. His dual nature was interesting for the quiet observer such as myself. But it was only valid when I didn't have anyone giving me too much attention other than my family.

Such was the case today. Alice and Jasper had been gone for weeks. Edward wasn't leaving me alone. The world was in a chaotic misery known only as 'quarantine' and I wasn't having any of it.

Then again, who cared about an 18-year-old teenager about to graduate from a relatively unknown part of the Olympic peninsula? I was nothing. Except for being this exaggerated beauty and one true soulmate to Edward who wouldn't even allow me a daylight moment let alone leave me alone to ever think of anything else but his absolutely gorgeous abdominal muscles and his prowess in bed.

I mean could you blame a girl to be fed up with indoor activities even though she had a gorgeous man hungry for her body all the time at home while a quarantine was raging? No. No, you couldn't.

Because I always had been a freakin' extrovert. Who would've thought that was true? Me. I knew it was the truth. I wanted to stay outdoors. I loved the wind in my hair. Yes, I hated the sun but I loved the rainy weather and frequently went outside to drench my skin in mother nature's bath water.

To think I was stuck at home all sticky and oily with my braids out and my natural hair and natural black face on? It was a nightmare! I love observing! I love being outdoors!

Why was this quarantine going on? Why couldn't I get out the damned door without having Edward follow me like a hawk everywhere? What the heck was wrong with this universe? Huh?

"No, no, we'll be fine, Esme. I'll be sure to say hi to Bella for you." Edward gave me a smile while I ogled his naked torso with my overly disturbed gaze. "Okay. Toodles." The phone was clicked into place and no sooner my mouth was pressed against his and my annoyance disappeared without a trace of its existence.

He was like a savory tasting drug to my system. The more I got, the more I wanted. Instead of complaining I couldn't stop tasting and taking. For once, I think I was avoiding my feelings and everything else despite them being prominent and indisputable issues.

Did sex fix everything like this all the time? Maybe this was the reason why people caught kids having sex everywhere. From student locker rooms to bathrooms and other gross places. I mean they even did it in the sand.

In all seriousness though, I had had enough of this and despite Edward's drug-like numbing kiss I was able to pull off long enough to complain.

"You didn't let me speak."

His lips quirked up in a devilish grin. "I was too hungry for you."

Kissing and even more bedsheet tangling later I was finally exhausted enough to say one or two words before sleep overtook my senses.

"I...want to go outside..."

Edward hadn't looked surprised or even disturbed. He had simply nodded with an understanding smile. The last thing I remembered after that was the mentioning of Victoria coming for me and that I was too vulnerable before I feel into a nap once more like the past three days of lover's quarrel.

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