Chapter 22: That Vampire Lyfe

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Charlie was gone and Renee phoned to let me know that they were in some Orlando resort celebrating their marriage. Huh. I guess no one even cared enough to keep me notified.

Edward, however, reassured me. "I was right here with you, Love."

His constant adoration was just too much for me and I had to kiss him once more to show the appreciation of his words. Was it ever possible to get drunk on a man? If so, I was drunk on Edward! And it was all his fault for being an absolute gorgeousness of a man! Or vampire!

So far, we'd talked about being a vampire was to be tortured by human blood at a minimal rate if one had enough to drink from another creature. I was being taken to hunt when I heard my baby's first words.


"You want ups, Thaniel?"

I knew Leah had taken my baby and I wanted to growl in frustration when she was more familiar with my son than I was. Still, the scent of Nathaniel might just have triggered me so I heeded Edward's words and quickly exited through the window. Running off to a quick start, we came across a grizzly bear, several salmon, and deer.

"What the actual—?"

"Bella." His voice sounded testy while I felt like exploding into a thousand pieces when the grizzly's scent hit my nostrils. Within moments I had assaulted the poor bear into submission, sucked its vessels dry, and had gotten an awful haircut along with a new dress.

Edward was having a laughing fit when I glared at him. "What are you laughing at?" His words had been resonating within my heart since then.

"Just laughing over your makeover, honey."

Raising a brow, I tackled him—a feat not so easy as Edward dodged my attempts to hug or touch him. "Darn it!"

"Looking for me?"

His arms snaked around my waist while his lips brushed at the sensitive spot near my neck. I felt my stomach flip when he sniffed at me, inhaling my scent deep into his lungs.

"You smell so nice."

"What do I smell like now?"

The thought was a curious one, something I had avoided for long enough due to my fear of his hunger. Now, however, we were the same creature and I didn't think twice of his bloodlust for me.

Sniffing once more and giving me a delicate kiss, he breathed onto my lips.

"Like Oranges and milk-chocolate." Kissing me once more he licked his lips. "Yummy!"

I gave him the stink eye. "More like yucky! How can you kiss me when I—I—just drank blood! Idiot!"

Instead of letting me go, he just hugged me tighter and smirked. "I know. And I still say, you smell and taste yummy!"

"Get a room, you two!"

A booming voice made us slacken our rendezvous and stand back to back. I touched Edward to me and in a concentrated command, molded my mental block to his.

"Ugh! He's gone!"

We didn't speak for a bit when the figure of the elder—Marcus, if I remembered correctly—came out. Edward didn't move and neither did I. We stuck together when Marcus pulled a face of disgust and threw his robe to me.

"Cover up, child!"

Disgusted beyond measure, I picked up the cinnamon-scented garb and covered myself up into a medieval assassin. Edward held my hand while I scoured my surroundings to hear several more of the Queen's guard descending on us.

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