Part 15- Where is he?

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Tom pov~

The next time I wake up is by the sound of someone sitting next to me.

I open my eyes and what I see makes me terrified.

The man who raped me is sitting next to me and completely naked. He's rock hard I'm and he's smirking at me. He brings his hand to my head and strokes my hair.
„Hey Tommy... I'm so glad you're finally woken up. Now we can play a little and talk together." He says and before I can open my mouth to say something he has already pressed his lips against mine. I try to scream and push him away but then I remember that my hands are tied and I'm completely powerless against him. He kisses me a little while before he climbs on top of me. I try to struggle and call out to someone but he puts a cloth on my mouth. Tears are falling out of my eyes and I press my eyes shut because I don't want to see him while he does those things to me.

Suddenly I feel my shirt being lifted up and a hand on my cock. I make a strangled sound against the clothe in my mouth and I hate how it responds to that.

One of his hands starts to play with my nipples and despite how much I hate it, my cock is responding to his touches and becoming hard.

His hand leaves my cock only to grab my ass and push a finger in me. I cry out in pain because it hurts soo much and before I know it I'm crying.

„Ughh... You look so beautiful like this, cock hard and whole body covered with bite marks. I'm gonna fuck you real hard in the ass and eat you up." He says and pushes into me so hard that I scream.


Chris pov~

It's the second day that Tom has not answered his calls and I'm really worried. I have a bad feeling about this and I hope nothing has happened to him. I hope he is okay.

Mark, Robert and others have all too called him but he's not picking up. They too are worried.

Where is he?

Can you trust me? But can I trust you? (Hiddlesworth) ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now