Part 19- Confusing

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Chris pov~

I still can't believe that I told Luke about it. I thought he would be disgusted or mad at me but he accepted it.

I sigh and decide to go get myself a water or something because I cannot sleep.

As I take a glass and start to fill it with water I hear steps behind me and I'm surprised to see Liam behind me. He stands there against the wall and stares at me. I take a seat at the table and gesture him to do the same. He does and sits across me.

„Can't sleep?" I ask him.

„Yeah." He says and we sit there in silence.
I sense Liam looking at me and I decide to ask-
„What is it Liam?"
He looks at me with an weird expression and what he says causes me to spit my drink out.

„Do you really love him? Do you really love Tom like you said?" He asks and looks at me with an unreadable expression.

„W-Well, I-I-" I start to say but it won't come out.

„You can just say if you do." Liam says with an sigh.

„Yes." I say at last. „ I do love Tom. I love him." And looking at Liam I expect to see disgust but he just looks at me with expressionless face which I don't know is good or bad. I hope the latter.

„Well, I thought that. To be honest. You've always talked about him like that. I'm surprised Elsa has not noticed it before. And I'm pretty sure everyone in this house knows it. Just be careful and do not hurt Tom or Elsa. Anyway good night." He says and I'm too surprised to do anything but watch him go.

Once he is gone I sigh and decide to go and rest myself.


Emma pov~

Omg!! Omg! OMG!!!

Chris really does love my brother. I'm so happy that I wanna dance. I ship them so much. Like really, really much!

The only thing that bothers me about this is that he has a family and that Sebastian likes Tom too.

I really hope that we would find Tom soon.


Liam pov~

I don't return to my room right after my little talk with Chris. Instead of that I go to take a little walk.

I still can't really think of what I think about my brothers love towards Tom.

I don't know why but I feel a little angry about it. Maybe it's because he already has a family and a good wife or is it something else. It's all so confusing.

I really do hope that we would find Tom soon. If he really was kidnapped by that bastard then I don't even want to think about what he would do to him.

I can't believe that he was raped. How could someone do something like that to him. How could they?!

I feel so angry about it and when we find that bastard I'm gonna make him wish he would never have born and laid his stupid eyes on Tom.

Tom is like a brother to me since the day I first met him and went on a road trip with him.

I want him to be okay and happy like he deserves.

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