Part 16- Truth

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Luke pov~

Soon after we have all sat down and continued to talk about different things Emma and their mother come back to the room.
They sit down on the opposite couch and their mother places the tray of tea and cookies on the table. Liam takes his tea and tastes it.

„Wow, this is the best tea I have ever had." He says and Emma smiles at him.

„It is right? Mother always makes this tea for the visitors." She says and I try it too. It really is very good. And the cookies taste amazing too.

Sebastian takes one cookie too and then I look at Chris.
It's surprising to see that he is glaring at Sebastian. I don't understand why he would glare at him.

I look at Emma and notice that she too is looking between them with an calculating look, like she is trying to solve an puzzle.
When Emma notices me looking at her she looks at me and I send her a questioning look to which she only smiles.

„I'm really glad that you will help us. The police already questioned us but there was noting we could say that would help with this case. I did notice that Tom had been acting weird the last time he was here but otherwise nothing. Did you guys notice anything different about him?" Emma asks and I notice how Sebastian freezes and his grip tightens on the teacup.

I think that Liam and Chris with the others noticed that too because now we are all staring at him.

„Sebastian? Do you know something that we don't?" Chris asks with an threatening voice.
We can all see how Sebastian struggles to think about what to say.

„Sebastian? If you know something that may help us to find him then tell us." Emma says with even voice.

„I- I can't. I can't." He says and Chris stands up angrily.
Me and Liam stand up with him and Liam takes hold of his arm.

„What do you mean you can't?! If you know something then tell us!" He screams at Sebastian and Sebastian glares at him.

„I can't because Tom didn't want me to tell anyone about this." Sebastian tells us and glares at Chris.

Tom's parents and Emma look at us with worried eyes and Tom's father stands up.

„Sebastian, if this could help us to find my son then tell us." Tom's father says.
„Yeah, fucking tell us!" Chris yells and rips himself free from Liam's grip taking hold of Sebastian.

„Oh, you want to know what happened to him?! Fine, I'll tell you!" He yells and rips himself free from Chris grip.

„He was fucking raped, okay! He was fucking raped by some man!" He yells.

Can you trust me? But can I trust you? (Hiddlesworth) ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now