Part 20

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At some club~

„Hey Chris!" Robert yells as he pushes his way through the bodies that are in his way to the bar.

„Hey!" Chris yells back and hugs his friend.

They decided to call together all the old cast and spend some time together. Robert, Chris, Mark, Scarlett and Jeremy have all arrived now and they decide to sit at a table where they can be just together.

„Wow you finally arrived Robert." Jeremy said teasingly and the others laugh as Robert frowns.
„Don't blame me for the traffic. Traffic here is a bitch." He says back and takes a sip of his drink.

„And now you're even blaming the traffic. Look how low you have fallen." Jeremy says with an huge sigh and just before Robert starts to say something back Scarlett interrupts them.
„You two can play your game later but right now we are here for a different thing." She says and they all look at her.

„We're here to discuss the Tom, Chris and Sebastian thing, okay?" She asks and they all nod.

„I still think that the two of them want to screw Tom." Jeremy says which earns him a slap to the head from Scarlett and a glare from Chris.

„Jeremy!" Mark yells and looks horrified.

„What! You know it's true!" He yells and glares at them with an pout.
„And honestly I cannot blame them because that ass looks amazing." Which earned him another slap to the head and an chuckle from Robert.

„Omg, I'm dealing with idiots." Marks says and takes a sip from his drink.

„But actually Jeremy is kind of right. Have you seen how the two of them look at him?" Robert asks and they all nod their heads.
„And think about it. Have you seen how Chris talks about him and how Sebastian always wants to be with him?" Another set of nods go around the table.

„I understand that Sebastian might like him but Chris? He has a wife and kids at home." Chris says with an frown.

„Well everyone can fall in love with someone else even though they got children." Mark says and Chris only frowns harder.

„But even when he does, what about Elsa and his kids? What happens to them?" Chris asks and everyone just look at each other thinking what to say next.

„But what do you guys think about Sebastian?" Robert asks and Jeremy grins.

„Oh he absolutely wants to screw him! And before you hit me again it's the truth! Remember the first time he met us? He had eyes only on Tom and forgot how to talk when Tom addressed him. And I don't know how Tom didn't see that! It was so obvious!" Jeremy says and laughs remembering the face Sebastian did when Tom hugged him. It was truly priceless!

„Yeah I'm pretty sure too that he likes Tom. He always talks about him." Chris says with a smile. Mark and Robert smile too and Jeremy does a little happy dance.

„Yeah but what really matters is who will Tom choose or does he even want that." Scarlett says and smiles.

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