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I wait for everyone to grab their things and leave. If I leave before everyone else I will be more likely to bump into someone while will play the 'let's throw pieces of paper that say mean things about me' so, I just wait at my seat with some kids throwing some papers at me. I'm just lucky no one of them are smart enough to pull my beanie or pull any bigger pranks. Anyways I need to focus on Kevin, after going to the infirmary I found out what work he needs and what I can do to help. His biology teacher wanted me to help him as a tutor, as he also volunteers at the soup kitchen I donate to. Of course, I agreed and apparently the school offered me a position in which I can tutor Kevin in most of his subjects as they are mostly c's and b's due to his dedication to sports.

Walking through the silent halls I head to my locker, it's covered in sticky notes and chewed up gum.

You suck

Attention seeker



Rich brat

You'll never fit in



The adjectives are nothing to me. Some of them are true anyway. I am a rich brat. I am a creep and a loser. It's just over my head. I recognize some of the handwriting. Pierre and his girlfriend, Maire used the hot pink post its. The turquoise one is from someone I think Trevor from the lacrosse team, though he isn't the brightest bulb his girlfriend Kathy is and I think she was the one to make the idea to use so much gum I couldn't open my locker. Luckily for me Ed is very good with tools thus a good friend of the workshop teacher.

Wearing my gloves, since there was no way in the world I would touch saliva of other humans consciously. After prying my locker open and clean it in record time. I have no time to stay today. Someone needs me. I'm not gonna let some teasing get to me. I need to run home, while I run down the halls I wave at Ed whom was waking to the locker rooms. He waved back at me with his dopey smile. If he ever saw what state my locker was in he might go into one of his rages... again. Me and Eddy had dealt with Ed raging 3 times, to be fair he was stressed and he gets immensely frustrated when one of his loved ones is injured. If he knew about the bullying from his fellow sportsmen he'd surely get into enough trouble to be suspended or even expelled knowing him.

With a smile plastered on my face I rush off to my car off to Kevin's house. I hope he took his medicine like I told him to.

Kevin POV

I'm sitting down with my head in my mom's lap. It was almost time for dinner. My dad was going to bring along a drinking friend. My mom had dressed me up in a button down and some khakis. Man, I look like a dork. I'm going to be nine soon and I have to dress a little cooler or I'll be treated as a kid forever. Mom let me watch tv while she prepared the meal. She wore one of her nicer dresses, but she seemed less.... Lively today. I paid no mind just thinking she was tired from her teaching job at the elementary school one 40 minutes away.

Me and mom perked up at the sound of the door opening. I slowly walked to say hi to my dad, I wanted to wrestle him as I usually do but my mom told me not to. I'm gonna beat him one day. I glance to see my dad carrying his briefcase and behind him was a man in his mid twenties who seemed a little nervous. He was pale, with blue eyes and light brown hair. He wasn't scrawny but he wasn't amazing toned like my dad. Though my dad seemed to be really happy to talk to him.

Dad ruffled my hair. "Hey kiddo. This is my buddy, he helped me the other night when my car was in a tink. Hey John this is my kid Kevin, I think he's about your kid's age."

"Oh umm.. Hi? I'm John if you'd like to call me that. And you probably already know my nephew Eddward. Though me and his friends call him Double D or Edd."

Double dork stands out from behind his uncle's legs and gives a shy smile. Then he hands over a small white box to my mom. I stare in awe as the Double Dork had the nerve to stand in my home. I bet he's gonna raid my house for jawbreakers. He speaks quietly as he always does. "Hello ma;am and sir, Thank you for having us. And I hope you like the cake, though I don't know what kind of flavor you liked.... Edd silently said. He seemed... scared, maybe even nervous.

"Why thank you why don't you play with Kevin in his room while we talk about the boring work stuff." Mom says sweetly. I grunt a yes not really wanting to show him my room but my mom told me to so I have to be nice. I turn and go up the stairs knowing full well the Double Dork would follow me like he does with that doofus Eddy. I stomp into my bedroom which my mom cleaned. My cars, planes and balls were placed in my toybox.

"Hey double Dork. You better not touch anything, or i'll-". I turned to see him shaking. NO I'm scared of Kevin shaking but he's gonna pass out shaking. The guys a chicken and a crybaby but he looked like he was trying not to ball his eyes out. One hand pulled on his beanie the other was in a fist so much that he was bleeding. I ran to him in panic unsure what was going on with the kid.

"Double D, what's wrong? Are you okay? You're freaking me out! EDD!" I shout. Edd looked at me even more scared. How come this junk never happens with the other two dummies. Why is this happening to me? Edd's breath was speeding up to the point I thought he was choking on air. He was paler than a ghost and he would've fell to the ground if I wasn't there to support him. I must have shouted pretty loud since I saw my mom running to my room. John and dad sprinting only a few seconds behind her.

Mom quickly took Double D from my arms and rubbed his back, whispering in his ear. My dad beckoned me to him while he whispered something to a distressed John. Dad took us downstairs to the couch where he put on a cartoon for me. Even though I wanted to pay attention to the colorful screen I was still in shock at the state Edd had been. He looked like he just had seen someone murdered.

"I don't know what to do! I can only offer so much support. After Derick and Lisa died he became so... so silent. He's such a good kid... I.. I'm not ready to be a parent. I don't even act as a parent to him, he does so much for me. He even listens to my rambles and tries to understand them by reading. First the accident, then his parents and now he is trying but can barely hold himself together. He would only interact with his other 2 friends until I got him to open up a bit when he saw his fondness for cleaning. He won't speak unless spoken to, though I think he's getting bullied with all the bruises he gets. He's always so secretive about his problem I never would've known something was wrong but, I walked in on him while he was changing ..." John cried. Tears in his eyes. I listened but I was still really confused about what was going on after that I had cut them out.

What happened to his parents? What's wrong with him? I guess I should be a little lighter in the beatings at least on the nerd, it might help him out. Just what is Double D hiding form the cul-de-sac?

My mom came downstairs holding the boy in her arms. The dork was clinging onto her for dear life. Tear tracks covered his cheeks and I could see some of his hair sticking out under the beanie. Mom placed him on a seat at the dining table, where the dork was clutching one of my old teddies. The rest of us sat at the table silently, as if we saw nothing happen.

Edd looked so... broken. Worn down. The look in his eye made him seem like he was fifty not ten. I need to be nicer and protect him. I have to... because he has no one else. I stare at Double D whom was picking at his food clearly not hungry. I'll be strong so I can help you.

"Hey Double D, I-" before I finish my sentences a blinding light burns my vision. 

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