Grocery Store

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Kevin POV

Dad was animatedly telling Double D about his trip to the beach and how he beat up a couple of thugs and then how one of them became his employ. I had already heard it a couple of times by that I mean too many times. I started washing our dishes while taking a quick glance back at Double D. He's still paler than usual. He's laughing lightly but he's still pulling on his hat. Why is he so nervous? I look up and it hits me like a brick. It's Monday, he's not going to stay at my house anymore. I felt a pang in my chest because he can't stay at our house. Though he could always come over. If he needs help with cleaning as long as he shows me what to do I can help him too.

The minutes ticked by and dad story was interpreted by the god sent who was calling Double D's phone. Double D reluctantly took out his phone, his smiling face fell a bit. His still swollen eyes flash with pain. He excused himself swiftly but collectively heading to the bathroom gently closing the door behind him. Me and my dad looked at each other. "Is it wrong for a man over 40 years old to eavesdrop." he asked while I was already booking it to the door. We both planted our ear to the door trying to pick up as much of the conservation as we possibly could.

"I'll make sure to make something delicious. Anyways I need to make something for my friends as you always let me buy enough to make sweets. Edwin enjoys the apple turnover... No auntie, I promise to make dinner. I know how busy you are... yes,yes. I-I know how hard you've guys have been working. And yes I know you it to be prepared by 9.... Good luck with your date. Yes auntie I'll thank my friend and be sure to get something for myself to eat." Ugh, I wish I could hear more about this 'auntie'? Make dinner and get something for himself, he can't eat with them? What the hell? Dad was looking at me like WTF is going on too. Make dinner by nine this b"ch realizes he's been gone for like 3 days! 3 f(%king days. He even has to buy it?!

"I know it's hard sometimes too, I get it. Anyways tell me more about what you did. Plus make sure to wear that pink dress. It'd go so well with the background as well as the new highlight in your hair." My dad pulled my collar, leading me back to the table. The way he was doing it so roughly must be angry. Like someone p*ssed on his prized car. I'm still wrapping my head around what happened. He's always been kinda submissive but, was he being used? Is this that b*tch who made him feel worthless. I needed to punch something. They were definitely using him.

Double D came minutes later as me and dad calmed down ourselves to look like we weren't just eavesdropping on him like a couple of jerks. He came out of the bathroom head hanging a bit low, he looked... disappointed. This riled me and dad up even more.

"U-umm, Mr.Smith thank you so much for the help these past few days. It is mandatory for me to depart. I will be sure to come back and do the daily chores though I expect you do some of the labor as well. I need to head off to the grocery story. Goodbye" No. This isn't how it should be. He shouldn't be faking that smile. He shouldn't be looking so damn sad. He should be in my arms. He should be with that big dopey smile cooking dinner. He should be having fun.

"In those clothes you aren't." Dad spoke up much to both of our surprises. "W-whaa?" Double D curled back, this is the first time my dad has rose his voice on him. "You heard me boy. As much of an angel you are, there is no way I'm letting you go out in broad daylight. No offense but some punk is gonna rob ya the way you're dressed. Go on and find a coat at least to cover up the excess skin." Double looked like he wanted to say something back but, one stern look from my dad shut him up as he scurried off too find some better fitting clothes.

"Now, you tell me what's going on. I've been left in the dark for f($king too long." Dad demanded. His voice was quiet but, the anger in his voice is clear. I off my hat and pulled back my hair with my hand. Letting out a deep sigh, "it's just like you heard. They are working him like a slave at home. His grandma seems to hate him. I think he has issues at home maybe not physical but, maybe mentally. Think about it, he might be a neat freak, but he seems to be a little too good at cleaning. It would also explain his skittish and submissive behavior."

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