Opening Up A little

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The hot water feels good against my cold skin as I rubbed soap on too. The morning weariness left my body though I was tense. Kevin kissed me. He kissed ME! AND ACTUALLY MEANT TOO! My heartbeat was elevated and irregular. Why me? I ran my fingers through my hair unable to comprehend what Kevin had just done. It's bizarre, maybe a joke? Yes, a joke.With his looks and personality any man or women would fall for him. I started to scrub soap on my arms and back.

His lips were warm, as well as his hands. His body felt firm under mine. His big hands cradled my hips like he was grounding me. His long legs are strong probably from football and baseball. He felt like security but, I know better than that. Kevin is meant for someone who is beautiful, stable that can support him and his business when he gets older. Why did he want to stay with Kevin so bad? His face flushed into a bright red at the thought of the redhead. His heart was racing again and for some reason he did want to stay with Kevin a little longer.

He told me he loved me. I've read about love sure but, I've never really experienced it. I never thought about it now that I think about it. I'm bad luck, if a girl or guy was stuck with me they'd probably end up injured or worse. I turned off the water, and was about to step out of the shower when the bathroom door opened revealing Kevin.

I'D FORGOTTEN KEVIN WAS GOING TO BRING ME PARTICLES OF CLOTHING!!! An awkward silence passed between us. Me staring at Kevin, and Kevin staring at me. In particular my lower region, he's looking at me private area! My face turned even hotter as I squealed desperately trying to cover myself the best I can. Kevin also turned red as he threw the towel over me and the clothes next to me. He cried an 'I'm sorry as he ran out of the room. I wrapped myself in the towel covering my face with my hands. He saw me naked! I quickly wiped myself down and pull on the clothes Kevin gave me. They were big but they'd have to do.

I saw at the bottom of the pile was my beanie. Just move on Eddward. Just move on. I took a deep breath and put on my beanie.

Kevin POV

I saw all of Double D. All of him. Usually seeing a guy's body didn't bother him as he had to shower after a football game but, Double D was different. His petite body was really hidden under his baggy clothes. His pale skin was a bit pink from the hot water, his bare chest had a very small outline of pecs, and he had a completely flat stomach. He needed to eat more as one can see with his rib cage. Though all Kevin wanted to do at the moment was touch him as if he was fresh meat. He was small but definitely a man as one can see his lean and muscled arms and legs probably from swim. His face was narrower than a woman's but it would fit in my hands easily and I could kiss him stupid.

I felt a little hot under the collar as I rushed downstairs trying to forget about Double D. Why is he so hot and cute?! I hope the clothes are okay on him. They are my size so they might be to big. Ugh, dad should also be coming home. Maybe I should ask him to order dinner and lunch it's better than anything either of us could make. What can Double D eat? He's so pale and skinny, plus wasn't he like a vegetarian or something.

The door suddenly creaked open, I returned to reality and I saw Double D wearing his signature beanie again. The shirt I lent him was way to be on him was baggy, sliding off on one shoulder. It was a little tight on me but on him it could've been a dress. The shorts I lent him that are way too small for me; seems really loose on him as one could see with how much he pulled on them. I felt a small sense of possessiveness as he walked into the kitchen in my clothes. He looked so adorable. I wonder how I was supposed to not try anything on him.

I wonder why he's so skinny. He usually didn't eat with us. Does he have an eating disorder? Does he have an eating disorder? Is he scared to eat? Now that I think about it, Eddward can do housework really well. Does he also do all of the housework? It would make sense since he doesn't have parents, but he also does swim and doesn't he help out doing smart good boy things. Honestly, he's never really talked about himself clearly. He never talks about his life, hopes and dreams of what he likes to do.

"Kevin? Are you alright? You seem to be spacing out." I look down to see a concerned face on Double D. Okay gotta calm down, it's only Double D. " I made some PB & J's for us. I think we also have some juice to wash them down." I pulled out a chair for him. Smooth. Act like a gentleman, maybe I should take him out instead. It's not exactly an amazing meal I've prepared. Double D seemed a bit hesitant to sit down. He's pulling on his hat and biting his lip. He looks scared and... nervous. Well, that's to be expected he did just poor his guts out. And he's one to overthink. Now that I think about it he's real smart, not only is he in all honors he used to be the brains behind some of Ed's schemes.

I smile, he's probably not used to someone pulling a chair like a gentleman to him. I stride toward him and take his small skinny hand. "Come with me, my love." For good measure I bend down so I can place a kiss on his soft skin. When I peeked up to look at Double D I saw his bright red face, his other hand covered his mouth. While he was still in shock I manhandled him into the chair and place the sandwich in front of him as I sat across from him. He was looking down at the table, he was pulling at his hat so I couldn't see his eyes but I could see some of the blush burning his cheeks. I laughed a bit as I leaned onto the table to get a better look at him. Maybe I should get to know him better now.

"Hey Double D, what do you like to do in your spare time?" I ask not trying to sound too desperate. Double D pulled the hat lower before shyly lifting it up to look at my face. His face was scarlet, his hands still toying with his hat

"U-uh I tinker a bit, I suppose. The car I drive sometimes was constructed by spare parts I came across. I am also trying to make a tiny chemistry set for the soup kitchen. They get bored sometimes so it might be amusing for the children to play with minor chemicals. I-I also indulge in scientific books, especially ones of behavioral studies of living organisms..." He looked up at me under his eyelashes as if he was unsure if he should continue. I couldn't help but smile a bit to reassure him. I should use this opportunity t learn about as much as I can about him. "So you fixed up a junkie to make it your own car? That's amazing. And making a chemistry sets for those kids is real sweet of you. Maybe I should come along some of my balls and bring my old board games. It may not look it but I'm pretty mean chess player." A spark was in Double D's eyes before he started to rant about how the children played and were so kind and innocent.

I laid back in my chair and started to munch on my sandwich. In between breaks I saw him take nibbles on the sandwich I gave him too. Soon enough it was gone. That's progress right? I have to keep a closer eye on him now about his eating habits. He was talking about how one of the people whom he volunteers with brought a cake that she baked when I heard the door open.

"Kevin? Double D? I'm home!" I could hear the worry in his voice. "Dad we're in the kitchen." I hollered. Double D instantly straightened up. I glared at my dad for ruining the atmosphere but he seemed unphased. Looking at the clock, it was only like three. He shave three hours off his work schedule. "Hey Double D, are you okay honey?" Ugh, I know I shouldn't be possessive over Double D especially since this is my dad. I wanted to kick him out of the house for ruining the moment.

Double D looked up at dad with a smile. Though when I really squinted I could tell it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm sorry to make you worry Mr.Smith. I promise I;m alright. It must be from all the sugar I've consumed, when you bought sweets for Kevin I snuck a few for myself. You know what they say, 'Too many sweets before bed causes nightmares.'" I felt my stomach twisting with his lies. I wanted to make those lies of him being happy a reality. A reality though with me in it. Just me and him. I want to tell him I love you everyday. And have him cook for me every morning with his cute little grin and curious eyes. I want him to be able to take the hat off whenever he wants because he is so beautiful. I want to call him my Double D who I can share all of his firsts and experiences. I will make it a reality. Since he deserves it. 

"I'm going to order out today. How about we have a movie night? And Double D you can chose. If you want you can spend the night here? We'll go by your house so you can get your stuff. Honestly if you could it'd help me a lot. It'll help me out a bit with the housework and plus it helps me and Kevin sleep at night knowing you're here." Scratch that, my dad is a genius whom I will kill one day. I would've given him a hug if Double D wasn't there.

"R-really? I-I guess one more day wouldn't hurt? Y-yes! Thank you for the hospitality Mr.Smith!" Edd side glanced at me. The sparkle in his eyes weren't exactly there but he was smiling genuinely, and that was a small step forward for him.  So, at the moment that's enough for me. 

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