Knight in Shining Armor

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I made it! Oh my football, thank goodness it's lunch. I have so much makeup. An exam, some homework, 2 gyms and more. Ugh I don't want to know what practice will be like. "You're gonna be in so much trouble with the coach!" "Look he's back from the dead!" "Hey Kevin, be prepared to get hell from the captain." I groaned d these idiots have anything else to say. "Shuddup, I already know." Honestly all these guys are airheads or what?

"Hey Kevin!" Natt slung his arm around my shoulders. "Feel better? You still look like shit to me." He said sticking out his tongue. Good ole Natt he's a gem that's for sure.

I smiled back at him, "At least I don't look like I'm sick 24/7 honestly maybe we should take you to a specialist." I raise my eyebrows challenging him to give a comeback. Natt laughed and patted my back. "Don't worry we'll stop by the mental hospital just for you. I heard they got a good snack bar ya know?" Natt laughed but he smiled and said, "Good to see you alive, kiddo."

"Yeah we missed you Kevin. Tell us if you need any help okay." Said Nazz. She was in her cheerleading outfit, I guess they had a quick practice run of their routine. Her face was looking at me curiously. "I'm all good seriously thanks guys." I heard my phone buzz in my pocket, he saw it was a text from Double D.

Hey. I have completed all my assignments and decided to communicate with you. Are you feeling alright?

A smile formed on my face, he's always thinking of others. Sometimes he's too kind hearted, I quickly texted him back.

Cool. I feel good watch me at practice C u there.

Then I heard the bell ring. I guess I should look for Double D, I'll need him to send me his schedule at some point. As I walked away I felt someone tug on my collar. "DUDE!" I turned to see Natt pulling me back into his face. "What?"

"Bro, you've been acting weird ever since this weekend. What's going on?" Natt looked me straight in the eye with his don't give me any shit face. I guess I was going to have to tell him at some point, might as well now than later. "I'm dating the most amazing person in the world." great job Kevin why don't you blurt out your mom also died. Natt looked at me in surprise. "Was it that date you texted about the other day? That's the reason you're in Lala land. I don't think any chick made you look like that she must be special. But why have you kept her a secret?" Natt asked hooking his arm around my shoulders leading me to the bathroom no one uses. I waited making sure only he could hear me. "Okay, Natt you know trust you right."

Matt nodded solemnly, I know I can trust him Natt is my friend. My best friend he's not like her or all those jerks. This is Natt. "Okay, so it's a long story short I got sick and I lied about having a mom and me and my dad can't cook or know how to help a sick person so Double D helped me. He nursed me to health and I found out that he's an angel and I want to be with him. I've kissed him and took him on a date so we're dating. He's just so amazing you have no idea. He's so cut-"

"Kevin, chill. It's okay, Kevin. Hey buddy, deep breaths. Remember deep breaths." Natt reminded placing a gentle hand on my back. I took a deep breath. Oh god, I don't think I can handle any questions from him, not right now. Oh gosh, my best friend is going to hate me. I clutched my head my breath uneven and quick, I'm going to be alone again just like when I was dumped. Everyone is going to laugh. Everyone will look so fake. Nazz will stay with her boyfriend over me. I'm so screwed.

"Kevin, breathe I say. You can't die here, I haven't gotten all the details about your date. Did you wear what I told you to wear. You didn't wear that stupid button down you wore last week right? Kevin! Answer me!" Natt has now grabbed my collar and was shaking me. He's okay with it? He doesn't care.

"Of course I don't care dumbass. You're my best friend it takes a whole lot more than that to get rid of me. Plus if I needed to hide a dead body I need someone to be my wingman. Or if Nazz gets angry you're the only one that can talk to her. Now, calm down and get your thoughts together so we can go to history. "Natt explained finally letting me go. That went 100 times better than expected. "Thank you Natt. I-I i-it's been rough."

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