I will make him mine

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Kevin POV

Double D breathing has evened out. His cool lips froze mine with an electric shock. I just kissed Double D, I looked down at his thick curls, his back rising with his breathing. I want to hide him away from the world and kiss him stupid. I'll need to keep a closer eye on him from now on. I kept one arm around his tiny waist, honestly does he even eat? Will he let me go near him again? If I know Double D he probably against homosexuality but, he might not want to be kissed by his childhood bully. He will know my feelings are now, so now I can at least fight for his love. I will the protector of Double D and I'll make sure he feels the fruits of my love even if he will never return it.

I brush his hair again making sure to not ruffle his hair too much. His hair feels like silk in between my fingers. I can't believe he hid it so much. I wonder how many others have seen his hair or even come this close to Double D? A strange sense of warmth spread from my heart thinking how close Double D is close to me. I secretly hoped I was the only one able to touch him like this. His skin is creamy and smooth though there was a bruise or two on his skin, like split ink on a blank sheet of paper it was beautiful but it isn't wanted either. The hand clutching my shirt loosened a bit but, Double D refused to let go of my shirt. His once pained face was related snuggling into my torso.

I felt my eyelids start to feel heavy as I also fell asleep to the rhythm of his breathing.


Ugh. How long have I been sleeping. My head pounds as my face feels a bit heavy too. I slowly opened my eyes rubbing away the sleep and crust in my eyes. Yawning I stretch back and feel something under my hand. It was a weird sensation and my brain wasn't working enough yet to figure out what it was exactly. My insomnia and nightmares kept me from sleeping most nights but today, I think I slept most of the day away which felt nice. I lean forward stretching out the kinks in my lower back. I felt something radiating heat, bump into my forehead.

Huh? I look up to see two emerald eyes looking fondly at me. My head still fuzzy I ask, "Kevin? You... better?" I yawned and tried to wake up my fried brain. What happened? I felt Kevin laughing under me? Why is Kevin under me? He's warm like a... like a big kitty cat! I always wanted a kitty cat. "I'm great gorgeous. How are you feeling?" Kevin's voice is always so low and cool.

I smile at him, "You are so handsome. My head hurts though." I touch his face. It's angular and roughened up a bit with stubble. He already looks like a man he's going to look a lot like his father. Wait, I'm on Kevin. I'M ON KEVIN!

I jump back in shock. What's going on? I hit the back of the wall on the narrow bed we were only a few inches apart. I cried and kissed Kevin Smith and he kissed back! What would Mr.Smith do if he saw his son kissing another man! Not to mention that was my first kiss! Clearly not Kevin's though... I worried the two. I really need to leave now! I felt my face getting hotter by the second. His heart rate accelerate too. Why would he kiss me? I don't even have my hat on, I'd usually pull on it if I'm stressed, thus I pulled my hair. It's not the same though. I feel so... so strange.

Out of nowhere in my panicked state Kevin had towered over me his body blocking any chance of escaping. "Double d from the fever. His lips are so warm, and he's so handsome. Clearly a great specimen tha D." He whispered into my ear, then brushing light kisses on my earlobe traveling up to my forehead. He was doing it consciously. Did he hit his head or something? His body is a more acceptable temperature though, his fever is surely gone now. Maybe he's gone mt has been bred and built up after years of being on so many sports teams. His eyes are such a deep shade of green. It allures me into his unknown- wait?! What am I thinking over Kevin?! I think my heart might jump out of my chest and run away. My breathing is a bit shallow and jagged.

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