Sorry's and Tears

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Kevin Pov

I start to feel a little tired, it's like midnight. Jeez, I guess time does fly by. My dad still invested into the show, Double D is sleeping on his shoulder soundly. Damn, why is he sleeping on my dad it should be me, then maybe we could get a little more initiate- I push the thought out of my head. Yep there was no way that's happening! I guess it's time for bed I pretty sure my dad has to work tomorrow.

Softly I shout out to my dad hoping not to wake the sleeping boy. "Dad! I think it's time for bed. Plus I think we should let Double D just crash here tonight he looks tired. Dad blinked owlishly at me before he glanced at the clock, then his eyes finally lay on the sleeping boy. A smile grew across my dad's face. "Yeah you're right. I don't want to wake him up. I never really noticed but his has pretty big bags under his eyes and he looks kinda... sickly. He hasn't eaten anything either. Does he even eat when neither of us are there?" Now that he says it I never noticed how bony Edd's arms were and how pale he was. It's almost unnatural. We should feed him more often. I was going to wake Edd up but dad shook his head putting a finger on his lips to keep me silent," let him sleep he's done so much he must be exhausted."

Dad picks up Edd bridal style carrying him upstairs. I stay behind them. Forget about school tomorrow I think we both need a rest day. Anyways the nerd needs to live a little, climbing up the stairs we place him in dad's bed, throwing a blanket over him.

"He should sleep here he can't sleep in the guestroom, he's still cleaning it out and I think he said he saw a couple of spiders. I'd rather not find out tomorrow he doesn't like going to a creepy room filled with spiders and creepy vases and that's our only guest room."

"Then where will you sleep?" I ask. Dad ponders a bit. "I guess I can sleep on the sofa or I can sleep with Edd he doesn't even take up half the kings size." I felt a pang in my chest. Double D should sleep with no other man than me. Not even my own dad. "Nah you should sleep in my room. Double D made it decent for humans, take your alarm too so you don't wake him up early." Dad smiled giving a thumbs up picking up his clock.

"Keep a close on Edd. He's an angel and, honestly done so much for us. We should do a little back for him." I nod back at him. Me and my dad were in such a bad spot but, like a ray of sunshine Edd tore away the clouds. Maybe not completely but at least enough so we got our shit together. I felt pride build up in my chest as I thought about how great the one I love is. I should do something for him. Maybe I should ask him out on a date? No, way too soon. I should drop hints by 'courting him'. Mom would be so proud of me being a gentlemen. I guess I know she's watching over me and that she loves me I should do my best for her and woo my lover.

I slipped right next to Double D small, fragile body. Nope that I think about it I don't know that much about him. I know he likes to study and works a lot. He's good at cleaning and cooking as if he's been doing it for years. I know he lives with his uncle and aunt, he's also very quiet. But that's just skills, he's always so quiet. I think the only people who really know him might be his two best friends Ed and Eddy, but, the last I heard of them they were busy. After Ed became a wide receiver for the football team he's been at some of the parties, he's also been training a lot and works at the gym. While Eddy's been doing something with his dad's business. The kid's mind was always on business related schemes I'll give him that not that it changes my hatred for him. Just like him I'll also take over my dad's position as I work at the factory often and the CEO guaranteed a spot for me at my dad's position since I scared the workers into working too.

I need to work hard in the future to support Edd, sports always take up so much of my time but I should work a couple hours so I can save some money to spend on gifts and hopefully, a date in the future. A wide smile spread across my face, as I closed my eyes, letting the medicine drowsiness take over.

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