Twenty Eight

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Break was a little awkward seeing as I hadn't spoken to anyone for a good 2 months. We were getting back to normal, it was just taking time. It was only the first day of us all actually being on speaking terms. Before, they would either blank me or just look in disgust - I probably did the same. They were angry at me and I wasn't exactly sure why at the time. I was angry at Malcom, and I ending up taking it out on everyone else around me. We had all just been ignoring eachother. 

People were still staring but I tried to ignore them. The gang hadn't brought up what I said yesterday. Thank God. They were also tip-toeing around me, probably incase they said something that might upset me or make me feel uncomfortable. Anyway, bell rang and we had maths, followed by music. Music was actually a good lesson, maths however, was quite possibly the worse subject ever invented. 

At dinner we all met at the school gates - we were allowed out at dinners as we had an hour and a half. Just like we used to, we walked into Franksten town and went to Bernies for chips. Inside was rather crowded and full of football fans, so we sat outside which was completely empty. After a minute or two, the conversation was starting to lack. I had a feeling that someone was going to ask me it, and no doubt they did.

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