Chapter 8. Not a good feeling

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Art not mine

~Violet's (Agent 8's) pov~

    "S-Sorry Marlee...." I apologized getting off of her neck. She just chuckled. As I smiled I looked at her boyfriend. His name was Josh from what I heard earlier.

        "It's fine Clumsy, I'm use to it now!" She just laughed. As I looked at Josh he rolled his eyes. It seemed he didn't like me or some what.

    "So one of your friends is an octoling...." he said with a bit of disgust. I got a wave of hurt in my body and felt super offended. Was I a threat to him or something?!

   "Yes! I-I'm Violet well that's the name Kat gave me!" I pointed to Four.

      "Wow just told me her name without letting her introduce herself some kind of  polite person you are." He muttered. I have a good sense of hearing better than inklings. He obviously hates me.

   "I'm Kat as Violet just said! Perfectly fine!" Four replied. I tried to ask Josh something but then he went straight to Marlee or Kat. It's like I didn't exist to him....

       "M-Marlee?" I slowly walked over and hid behind her. I tried my best not to feel hurt.

   "It's been a while since we've talked Josh, usually your the one to text me if you want to do something but not anymore?" Marlee brougham up. It then came to a conclusion for me. If Josh loved Marlee he would be doing so many fun things with her and now he doesn't? Could he be losing affection for her?

      "Hey Marlee it was nice meeting Kat...and your other friend...but I gotta go!" He faked a smile. How can I tell the way he didn't want to say my name felt offensive.

   "Bye then!" Marlee responded back. She didn't blush or anything just a smile, I thought romance you would usually blush around someone you love? Pearl and Marina let me stay for the night at there house and they watched romance and that's what I saw.

      "Hey umm M-Marlee...." I grabbed her attention. She seemed confused what I was gonna ask her but I didn't want to say it in front of Four.

   "I'll tell you at the apartment..." I convinced her it was nothing important. Thinking of Josh just gave me a unstable feeling that made me feel sick to my stomach. We soon arrived at the apartment and Marlee walked into my room.

      "What was it you wanted to tell me back in Inkopolis Square?" She asked as she just leaned on the door. 

    "I-I.....I don't have a good feeling about Josh...." I told her the truth. She seemed shocked and maybe a little mad.

   "Why don't you like him? You really can't be jealous! Your my friend I thought you would care!" Marlee snapped at me. I kinda wanted to cry and say the things he muttered.

     "I'm not I swear! I....I'm just looking out for you, your someone that I love and care about I'm just scared to see you hurt..." I told her. She instantly changed her face expression hugged me.

  "I'm glad I have someone who is looking after me."

Octo Clumsy & Squid Dork Agent 3 X Agent 8Where stories live. Discover now