Chapter 19. "I hope you forgive..."

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~Violet's (Agent 8's) pov~

I woke up on the floor, I couldn't tell where I was until I got my vision clear. I was in room, and I heard voices. I stepped outside until I heard more heartbreaking stuff.

   "I will never love Violet!! I maybe single now but fuck her! I hate her! She made me break up with my boyfriend it's all her fault!" Marlee yelled at Kat. Kat was extremely stunned by the words she was throwing at her.

    "D-Do you m-mean it?" I asked her as I began to cry once again. She looked at me in shock because I heard the whole scenario. She just stands there and looks at my crying eyes.

  "Yes......I fucking mean it...."  she hissed at me. I cried even more as Kat held me for comfort. She turned her head at me and then looked at the apartment door.

      "Kill yourself while your at it...." She said before she slammed the door and walked out of the apartment. I stood there crying even more, Kat hugged me with all the affection she could give me but I declined it.

   "Give me some space....." I told as I pushed her away a little bit. I walk to Marlee's room and I just look on the bed and a piece of rope pops out of nowhere. That's not Marlee...she would never say that b-besides....

      "Y-You're right, I should kill my self while I'm at it..." I Muttered. I looked at the fan and tied to rope around it and made a loop at the end of the rope so my head fit in there.

  "I still love you...there's nothing you can do to stop me from loving you...." I smiled at her window and moved her bed out of the way. I grabbed her chair she had and I put the end loop of the rope around my neck and then....I kicked down the chair...

~Marlee's (Agent 3's) pov~

It's all my fault. I was sitting in the hospital chair while tears rolled down my face as I started at Violet in the hospital bed. The doctors are trying to figure out what happened to her, I couldn't stop crying.

  "I'm so sorry..." I apologized until I looked at the breathing scale and it was a straight!!

     "Doctors!!" I yelled in the hallway, they quickly came and then put there masks on and grabbed stuff to help her breath again. 

   "I believe in you Violet...don't give up..." I muttered...

  "Check!" The doctor said before I looked to see she was breathing again. I smiled with relief and sat next to her again. Please don't scare me like that...

~Violet's (Agent 8's) pov~

I opened my eyes in a dark room and the shadow figure came again. 

   "Are you sure you don't want to join me? I can end this suffering...." it said, I took a closer look to see it was a boy inkling.

      "....I-I d-don't know...." I said but then I saw the outside and I looked at Marlee.

  "Violet, I'm so sorry...I was too rough on you back there and I just want to say...."

"I love you too...."

I cried with joy but then the dark shadow started to strangle me, I couldn't breath his grip was making me choke in the inside.

   "Join me and like I said...I CAN END THIS SUFFERING!!" He yelled. I cried not with joy but fear.... I took a big gulp and grabbed his hand and the light sprayed my vision.

    "GAH!!" I yelled as I saw myself in a hospital bed, I saw Marlee surprised and with joy as I hugged her tight.

  "Oh Marlee I'm so happy to see you!!" I exclaimed as I hugged her tight. She started to cry and we both hugged each other until I felt the shadow tug me back.

     "Violet!!!" She yelled but I stopped her.

  "I hope you can forgive me...." I told her before I disappeared with the shadow.


Octo Clumsy & Squid Dork Agent 3 X Agent 8Where stories live. Discover now