Chapter 9. New generation

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Art not mine

~In the morning~

~Marlee's (Agent 3's) pov~

It was currently 8:32 in the morning and we actually started to watch the news reporters Lana, and Bay the Dream Stars.

"Come on! I heard that this is the first mouth of Inkopolis Town and I want Splatfest!!" Four exclaimed as she jumped on the couch.

"You better sit your ass down Kat." I warned her. Violet was confused on Splatfest.

"What's a Splatfest?" She asked. Kat was shocked and surprised that she didn't know. She's been in the Deep Sea Metro and the final Splatfest has ended so it's all new to her and I'm guessing Marina or Learl haven't told her about it.

"Look look!! It's 8:35!!" Kat pointed we watched as the news flashed on and there they were the two new stars of Inkopolis.

Lana: Hey Inkopolis Town! I'm Lana!

Bay: And I'm Bay! We've got some extra special news today!

Lana: You all must have been waiting for a long time! So Bay would you like to tell everyone?

Bay: I wouldn't mind! And the special news today is....

There was a long silence and Kat was about to jump right in front of the Tv and she was silently chanting "Splatfest"

Then a Splatfest picture came up.

"Cool!!! It's carnival food! Oh cod this is hard to chose!" Kat exclaimed as she started to sit back down on the couch. So it's carnival theme? Neat.

"I've never tried Cotton Candy or Popcorn so which one do I chose?" Violet asked me. It's just for fun but she still doesn't know.

"Well Violet this is for fun! So chose whatever you want to chose! It doesn't matter in the end because we're all having fun!" I told her. She smiled brightly and we looked back at the screen.

Lana: Amazing! So everyone which carnival food would you prefer to eat? My choice is cotton candy! It's so amazing and sweet it looks like a cloud also the colors are unicorn kind! This also calls for new looks!"

Bay: Cotton Candy? I rather chose popcorn I'm not into sweets as much as you do. I'd rather buy a butter popcorn for the Farris wheel!"

Lana: Then have those kernels stuck in your teeth no way! But it's just opinions, so place your votes and you'll get your Splatfest Tee!"

Bay: Remember every inkling and octoling!

Lana & Bay: Marine is the dream!

The news ended and we were all thinking of our choices. It was hard to think about it because those treats are delicious when you're going around the Carnival.

"Have you girls made up your minds?" Violet asked.

"I have! I want to go with popcorn!" Kat exclaimed.

"I was hoping you would be on Team Cotton Candy, but it's your Choice.." Violet sounded bumped out a little.

"I'll go to Team Cotton Candy Violet, I like sweets more than crunchy treats." I told her. She was happy and hugged me.

"Oh let's ask Off the Hook and Squid Sisters if they want to join!"

Octo Clumsy & Squid Dork Agent 3 X Agent 8Where stories live. Discover now