Crush, Chop And Burn (Pt. 3/4)

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I woke up the next morning and I already knew that it wasn't going to be a good day. Today was the day that Adam, Bree and Chase we're leaving.

I went down to the lab and they all smiled at me sadly as I walked over to the counter.

I jumped on the corner and sat next to Bree. Chase grabbed a container and walked over to one of the desks. He picked up one of the staplers and put I in the container.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked.

"If Davenport is going to ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with us." He said as he threw another stapler i know the container.

"We just got our first taste of normal life. I was so close to getting a curfew that I was totally gonna break!" Bree said looking st me.

"Oh! Maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bono who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love!" Adam said, which earned weird looks from all of us.

"Or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers." Chase said.

"Hey! I make the monkey fantasies around here!" Adam said standing up and pointing at Chase.

"Well Kids, I hope you enjoyed your stay at cases Davenport. I know I haven't. Sayonara!" Eddy laughed.

"Eddy, I know that we've never been the best of friends but we're going to miss you." Bree said.

"Aw! Really?" Eddy asked, getting all worked up.


"We hate you!"

"You're evil!"

Leo and I both started to laugh.

"Where is this training facility anyway?" Leo asked.

"Facility X? Oh. It's all the rage." Eddy said as he pulled up a picture of a beautiful island on the big screen.

"That's pretty nice." Chase mumbled.

"Oops! Sorry! That's my screensaver. You're going here." Eddy said as he pulled up a picture of an underground facility in a snowy, depressing climate.

"Forget about office supplies! We should be gathering wood!" Chase exclaimed, throwing his hands in his hair.

"Man! Sarah and I wish we hadn't thrown that party. We can't help but think this is all our fault." Leo said, getting down the table.

'You mean your fault?'

"Oh. That's because it's your fault. Not Sarah's. She was upstairs." Adam said putting his hand on Leo's shoulder.

"I'm just so bummed! This is the only place we've ever known." Adam said.

"Yeah. Just think of about all of the memories we shared here." Chase said.

"We can't let Davenport send you guys away. Let Sarah and I talk to him." Leo said as I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Nobody can say no to this million dollar smile." Leo said pointing at his mouth.


"Leo, Sarah. I know you both are sad about your friends leaving, but you guys can always spend time with me! Oh! We can play your little video game! The one where you hold the thingy and with the other thingy!" Mom said, trying to cheer us up.

"Mom, with all due respect.. it's way too late for you to learn video games." Leo said to her as the three of us walked out the room and into the living room.

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