Leo's Jam (Part 2/4)

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We were now at school and Adam was under the lockers as Leo and I were standing next to him until people start to come up to help.

"No. No. No. He's fine. He's fine." Leo exclaimed as he started to push them back.

"Ooh! They're coming! Commence phase one: Operation Lady for Leo!" Chase exclaimed as wr all got into positions.

"Oh no! This man is trapped! He looks like he need a hero to save him." Leo yelled out, making me facepalm. Leo, you have bad acting skills.

"I will take charge and heroically do just that!" Leo said as he glanced towards Danielle who was looking at him with dreamy eyes.

"Oh no! We're running out of time! Save me before the alligator..." Adam began before I kicked the lockers.

"Wrong rescue!" He whispered, bending towards Adam.

"I will lift these lockers! 1...2..." Leo said as he bent down and got ready to lift them up.

"3!" He finally said, as Adam used his super strength and easily pushed the lockers back up.

"So heavy!"

"Phew! Your a true heroic... take charge hero." Adam said as he pretended to put his hand on his chest as if he's hurt.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe that just happened!" Danielle said as she walked towards us.

"You know... it takes a big man to do something like..." Leo started before Danielle walked past him and into Adam.

"How are you not hurt?" Danielle asked Adam.

"You must be so strong." She said, looking at her with dreamy eyes.

"Wait. What? No! He's not the strong one! I'm the strong one! Hero!" Leo said as he turns toward us and flexed his arms up.

"Maybe I should walk you to the nurses' office." Danielle said to Adam, ignoring Leo.

"What about Leo?" Adam asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"He's not hurt." She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Look at me! I'm an open wound!" Leo said, still looking at Danielle.

"Really. I'm... I'm fine."

"Okay, good cause the dance is Saturday and I love dancing. Maybe we could hang out." She said before walking off.

"Great plan, Chase." He said as he gave Chase a glare.

"What are you talking about? That didn't go all like we thought it would." Adam said as we looked at him saying to shut up.


"You stole my woman!" Leo yelled out to Adam as we all walked into the lab.

"Where I come from, we call that a love crime." Leo said, pointing to Adam as we tested on the counter hat was in the middle of the lab.

"It's not my fault I look brave under lockers." Adam said, looking at Leo with a small smirk.

"I was trying to help you."

"How? By saying that you'd go to He dance with her?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm keeping my options open. It's the first time a girl's ever been interested in me and it's kind of nice." Adam said, beginning to walk off.

"Oh! It's kind of nice because you..." Leo started, mocking Adam before jumping on his back and trying to literally murder him.

"Stop it, little man! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Adam said before Chase ran up to them to stop Leo before it got worse as I just watched the scene.

Chase finally got Leo off of Adam and looking between them.

"Guys! This is getting out of hand! It's like watching a chihuahua fight a horse." Chase said, making me laugh.

"Is Danielle really worth all of this?" Chase asked, mainly looking at Adam.

"Yes!" They both said, making Chase close his eyes.

"Adam. You cannot go to the dance with Danielle. It wouldn't be fair. Leo wanted her first."

"Hey. I was fair in love and fake locker accidents." Adam said with a smile.

"Fine. He can have her." Adam said, finally giving her up.

"It's too late. The damage is done. I'll never love again." He said walking off and resting his hand on the controls.

"Leo. I'll talk to Danielle. I'll convince her that Adam's not an option and that she should be with you."

"Yeah! Go to the dance with her but everybody's going to think that you're dating your babysitter." Adam said, confidently before Leo launches at him again but Chase caught him.


"Ugh! Well. If it isn't little miss flash and scram." Chase said as we all crossed our arms at Bree who just walked up to us.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny! I think I scared Ethan off."

"Ya think? You left skid marks in the hallway." Leo asked, already knowing what happened.

"Well. I think there's only one way to fix this. I have to ask him to the dance." Bree said with her arms on her hips.

"Well. Here's your chance." Chase said as he saw him at his locker.

"He's at his locker."

Bree took a deep breath and casually walked towards Ethan.

"Hey, Ethan. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Bree asked as Ethan took his book out of his locker.

"Well. You got to make it quick cause I got to go to...."

And before you know it, Bree was on top of the lockers.


"Over here."

"What the... You were... Ok. Why are you up there?"

"You know. Just... Helping out the janitor. I mean... this place is dus-tay!" Bree said, rubbing her fingers together.

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