Leo's Jam (Part 3/4)

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I was in the kitchen with Mom, helping her cook when Bree came in.

"Hey, Bree. How's it going?" Mom asked as Bree walked up the counter.

"Horrible. Ethan was going to ask me to the dance but Ethan but... I got nervous and ran away." She said as she sat down on one of the stools.

"Every time I see him, I panic and act like a total..."

"Dork monster?" Mom interrupted, looking at Bree as if she knew the answer.

"Huge dork monster." She said as she rested her head on her hand.

"Look. You are not the first girl to act weird around a boy she likes."

"I flew across the room and jumped on top of the lockers." Bree said, looking at us with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah. That's probably a first."

"Whenever he's around, I get all flustered and glitchy... and I just want to eat my face so I don't say something stupid."

"Honey! Next time you see him... Just breathe. Stay in the moment and your jitters will go away. Or just wear high heels. That way when you run away, you'll wipe out like a downward skier." Mom said, laughing and smiling.


Chase was walking in the cafeteria to talk to Danielle about the dance.

"Hi. Danielle!" Chase said as he walked up to Danielle and her turned who was eating lunch with her.

"Sorry to barge in on your gossip session. That you may... or may not have been having." Chase said with an embarrassed smile.

"Remember that guy who heroically lifted the wall of lockers?"

"The tall and good looking guy?" Danielle said with a smile as she had a hand on her chin.

"No! Actually... the smaller more interesting looking guy." He said with a smile as he carefully sat down. 

"Oh! My sturdy little foot stool!"

"Bingo!" He exclaimed, pointing a finger at her.

"Anyway... I know you like my brother, Adam... and that's creating a problem in his friendship with Leo... so... I was kind of hoping that you could maybe go to the dance with Leo instead?" He said, trying to make Danielle change her mind.

"Aw! That is so sweet! Your worried about your friend! You know what, I know how to fix this whole thing." Danielle said, with a huge smile on her face.

"See? I knew if I could just talk to you. Everything would work out."

"Sure, did. I'm going to go to the dance with you!" She said as Chase's smile faltered.

See you there, cutie!" She said with a smile as she left.

He was about to leave the cafeteria when Leo and Adam walked in, making Chase jump in surprise.

"Hi! Guys! S0... here's the deal. Danielle's not going to the dance with either of you."

"What? Who's she going with?" Adam asked, surprised.

"Me!" Chase said with a smile.

Then all of a sudden, Leo yelled and jumped on Chase.


"How can you swipe Danielle away from both of us?" Adam asked, mad.

"I didn't swipe her away. Okay? She just kind of fell in my lap like a beautiful flowery angel from heaven." Chase said, making Sarah hang her head down in shame.

"We get it!" Leo said, with a serious face.

"Look. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Oh. So, you're not taking her to the dance?" Adam asked, still confused.

"Of course, I'm taking her to the dance..."

Before he said anything else, Sarah ran upstairs to her room, slamming the door shut.

Leo, watched her run upstairs in guilt because he already knew that she liked Chase.

Chase just watched her run upstairs in confusion before continuing what he was going to say.

"She's like a cottony white lamb who frolicks in a..."

"We get it!" Adam and Leo yelled out in unison.

"I may not know any dance moves but a girl is interested in me for the first time ever." Chase said, making Leo glare at him because he already knew about Sarah's feelings for Chase.

"How can I say no to that?"

"Oh! You say, No. N! O! O! No! Whatever happened to, it's not fair. Leo has her first? Ok, you say not to do something and you do the exact same thing. You're a total hypnotist!"

"You know what, Adam? I think we should give Chase a break. I mean, it is his first go around on the carousel of love." Leo said, glancing at Chase.

"What!? Are you kidding me? Oh, he's on a carousel Alright. Riding a big plastic horse named betrayal!" Adam yelled to Chase who looked at him with a glare.

"Let's face it, Adam. The best man won." Leo said, giving Chase a pat on the shoulder.

"Oh no! I'm the best man and I'm going to get her back at the dance. It is on! O! N! N! ON!" Adam yelled as he walked off.

"Thanks, Leo. You sure you're not mad?"

"If I can't have Danielle, I'm glad you can. Did you say you don't know how to dance?" Leo asked him, pointing a finger at him.

"Yeah. I could just download a dance app off the internet or something." Chase said with a shrug.

"Oh. Ok. But is the refrigerator dance even on the internet yet?" Leo asked himself out loud, making sure Chase can hear him.

"I mean... it's just so new." Leo said with a hand on his chin.

"What dance?"

"You don't know about the refrigerator dance?" Leo over exaggerates as he points a finger at Chase.

"Everybody's doing it but I'm sure you'll find something." Leo said as he turns around to leave but was stopped by Chase.

"Wait. No. Show it to me." Chase said, getting up from the couch as Leo smiles.

"Well... I don't really have time to... Ok. Here's how it goes." He says, showing Chase the dance.

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