chapter 5

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-Carlos' POV-

i look in the mirror. i'm in my VK clothes. so is Jay. i hear a knock on the door and open it.

"you guys ready?" Mal asks. Evie's behind her, both of them are in their VK clothes too; we were going to get Jane and Lonnie back.

"yeah." i respond, grabbing my bag and waking out of the room. we went to where our motorcycles were. we get on them and drive to the edge of Auradon.

"noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere" Mal says. we all take a deep breath before we continue driving. it worked. before we knew it, we were at our birthplace, The Isle of the Lost. we park our motorcycles in an abandoned garage and start looking.

-Jane's POV-

"Corinne?" yells a voice from inside the building. Carlos' twin went inside and i heard some shouts and before we know it, she's back outside. she didn't look very happy. i touched the necklace Carlos gave me and stepped forward.

"Corinne?" i ask quietly. she turns around.

"yes?" Corinne responds. i couldn't help myself, i ran over to her and have her a hug.

"i'm Jane. and that's Lonnie." i say, pointing at Lonnie. i turn back to Corinne. "we're here to rescue you."
her eyes widen in disbelief.


"don't you want to see Carlos again?"

"what are you talking about?" she says. i untuck my necklace from Carlos and show it to her.

"who are you?"

"FGM's daughter. i was dating your brother but my mom broke us up and he gave me this."

"ok. but, before we go, come with me." she tells us. we go with her. to my surprise, she brings us to Lady Tremaine's hair salon.

"why are we here?" i ask.

"i need some quick touch-ups before we go. you can do something too, if you want."

"ok." i say, stepping into the salon.
when Lady Tremaine was done with Corinne, i sit down and say, "surprise me"

-Carlos' POV-

when we get there, Evie says that since she's there, she had to stop my Lady Tremaines hair salon to visit Dizzy. so, we went there. when we got there, i nearly fainted.

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