chapter 7

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-Carlos' POV-

"J-Jane?!" i ask, still in shock.

"hey" she said, a smile forming on her face. i chuckle and run over and hug her. when we pull away, our faces are only inches away and, without thinking, i kiss her.

-Jane's POV-

i stood there for a moment in shock. is he kissing me?! i quickly recover and kiss him back. after what didn't last long enough, we pulled away. we looked into each other's eyes and laughed. then it hit me. i just had my first kiss... with Cruela De-Vil's son! i was very happy. then i realized that our friends were there. we turned shyly towards them to see huge smiles on their faces.

-Carlos' POV-

we started waking back to our bikes only to find them not there.

"we brought the limo!" Lonnie said. so we went to where they left the limo, and it wasn't there.

"oh no" Corinne whispered. we had no way of getting back to Auradon, or off the Isle. then, i remembered that i kept an extra remote to open the barrier. i took it out and clicked it.

"there." i said and everyone looked at me.

"how are we gonna get back to Auradon?" Mal asked.

"we can go right outside the barrier and text som—" i was cut off by black, white, and red sparks coming from what looked like the castle on Auradon. then, i heard a bunch of barking dogs and my heart leapt. Dude. i thought.

"we need to get over there, now! Corinne yelled just as crossbones shot up in the sky. i looked at Corinne. we both knew what this meant. we all went right outside the barrier and i saw Corinne walk over to the edge. i'm not sure what she did, but black, white, and red spoke formed around her. then, a bridge formed. she started walking on it. she then realized that none of us were following.

"well? what are you all waiting for? let's go!" Corinne shouts, turning towards us. we all look at each other and i slightly nod my head.

"let's go." i say.

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