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-Janes pov-

i stay there, horrified.

"Jane, what on earth are you doing here?!" Fairy Godmother asks, rushing towards us.

"and what are you doing with Mr. De-Vil?"

"mom.." i say, getting up.

"i dont want to hear it. both of you, to my office, now." Fairy Godmother says. we pack up, not saying a word to each other.
when we finish packing up, we make our way to my moms office. once we get there, the door is already open. i push the door open and Carlos and i sit down in front of FGM's (Fairy Godmother) desk.

"Jane and Carlos, i am very happy that you two are together but.." FGM starts to say but gets cut off my Carlos.

"..but i'm not a prince. i know i'm not but i really like Jane." he says.

"i know, i know. but i have and have had expectations for Jane's future and i will stick to those expectations." FGM says sternly. i look down at my lap and tears start forming in my eyes. FGM sighs.

"i'm very sorry but i want my daughter's future to be bright and spent with royalty." she says. Carlos immediately stands up, takes his necklace off, gives it to me, and, without saying anything, he walks out. i look at the necklace and i finally get to see what's on the necklace. there's crossbones and one side is white, while the other is black. it's the De-Vil family symbol. Carlos always finds some way to put it on his clothes. i start to cry and run out of FGM's office. i go to my room and slam the door behind me. i cry even harder.

-Carlos' POV-

i go to my room and don't even notice Jay there. i run into the bathroom and splash my face with some cold water. then Jay comes over.

"Is something wrong?" he asks, he was never too good at comforting people. i dont answer.

"i'll take that as a yes. i'm gonna call Ben and tell him come over, ok?" he asks, i nod.

-Janes POV-

i run over to my bed and throw myself onto it and cry. then i hear someone come in. oh, great. i look like an idiot. i thought to myself.

"jane?" i hear Lonnie ask.

"y-yeah?" i sob.

"what's wrong?" she asks, sitting on my bed and putting her hand on my back.

"C-Carlos.." i cry.

"Carlos? what did he do? do i need to go beat him up?"

"n-no i-i-it's not his f-f-fault." i say, picking my head up. Lonnie sighs.

"i'm gonna call Evie and Mal." she tells me. i nod.

-Carlos' POV-

i hear a knock on the door and Jay opens it. it's Ben. i see Jay whisper something to him before coming over to me.

"Carlos? what's wrong?" Ben asks. i tell him what happened.

"oh." he says, unable to find words.

-Jane's POV-

Evie and Mal come in to our room a few minutes after Lonnie calls them. Evie hurries towards me, throwing her arms around me.

"Jane what happened?" Evie asks. i tell them what happened. i notice Evie and Mal exchange surprised expressions when i tell them about the necklace.

"can you show us the necklace?" Mal asks. i nod and show them. Evie and Mal gasp.

"what? what's wrong with it? is it cursed or something?" i ask, getting nervous. there are a few seconds' silence before Evie sighs.

"Jane, that necklace means the world to him." she says.


Evie and Mal both sigh this time.

"you see, Carlos.. well.. he.. he...." Evie says but stops.

"he has a twin sister." Mal finishes. Lonnie and i gasp. i don't know what to say.

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